Monday, December 19, 2016

S1 Chapter 5, The Trial Pending


2020 AC/DC
Holy Wood Greater Courthouse. Day. . . . .

Dawn and Richi sat in the front row. Rosie was absent. Plenty had turned out for the hearing, they always did when Star was involved. She herself was sitting before the judge with her many managers and representatives . They all appeared anxious to an extreme, so unlike her She simply sat with a slight grin and wide, hopeful, eyes. The accuser this time was a small town Sheriff who sat on the other side of the room, waiting for his legal adviser friends form the BOC to arrive so that they may begin.

The Sheriff was a plain faced man with dark hair and grey eyes. He was a respected officer of his village and there were never problems with the people he looked after. But he was tired of his simple life, his grandfather took part in the Rebellion all those years ago. The man was ashamed of his lowly status as Sheriff compared to the higher military ranks his grandfather carried. Unhappy with his internal failure, during a drinking binge he was approached at a bar by an old BOC man with a proposition. Side with the BOC and help pursue a case against the Queen to once again dethrone her.

They were only allowed to voice any grievances they had before the Queen herself and an assorted gathering of councilors would listen and if anything cuaght the attention of the Council, only then was it pursued. To bypass this rule, the BOC hired an unhappy man to launch the trial, which he was allowed to do as a citizen of Holy Wood. All this went through his mind as he was leading an attempt to charge her for illegal witch craft.

His palms were clammy as he looked over the “evidence” he claimed stacked up against her. Even he had little hope. An assortment of interviews from a girl and her friends about her sexual encounters with the Queen and what happened during one particular evening. The girl was known to have consorted intimately with the Queen many times before-

“Sheriff Tam.”

Tam looked up, interrupted from his thoughts. Tam was short for Tamascus. “Aye,” he replied. “I was going over things.”

His partner was a representative of the BOC, they shook hands, one of the many who served the BOC. He was a legal adviser, a priest in the their main center of worship, the City. He was dressed in the customary dark blue robes of priesthood and had the greying brown hair of an elder man, but the Sheriff knew he was cursed by the Queen herself. Current BOC members were all cursed to never age and age they never did. This one was a particular advocate against the Queen and she allowed him to operate as an organization, she called it “being fair”.

“I am so happy you agreed to lead this case Mr. Tam, being our friend in these times is well appreciated. You have the gratitude of the BOC. With unlawful magic present no court will let her go free, the girl gave us detailed accounts about the Boy and what he looked like. Not to mention all the witnesses on the night of the raid, need I remind you?”

Tam shook his head, he was dressed in his uniform, distinguished, presentable. He had short hair of deep color that he kept slicked back. He had a plain straight goatee and a simple mustache that was manly but not domineering. He was strong, but lean and unassuming. But with a cough to clear his throat he straightened his lapels and looked to the task at hand. He needed composure and he was going to force it out of himself, he had to win this case. If he lost, he would become a laughing stock.

“No need for reminders, I've read the accounts of the soldiers present. They gave what is deemed honest testimony.”

“Yes, most of them.” The Priest said. He beamed a smile.

Tam looked at him. “What?”

“COURT IS NOW IN SESSION!” The Bailiff, a tall, strong man of bald head, braod shoulder and mean eyes stood to the side of the judge.

“The Judge stood and waved for all to sit as he took his seat. An old man with dark blue eyes. He wore his black robes and white wig of justice as they all took their seats.

He looked to the queen and nodded. “Welcome back your highness. I assume you will play fair.”

She nodded. “Yes your honor.” She looked to her left and smiled at the accusing.

The judge looked to them too. “And you as well will be respectful to your Queen and truthful with the evidence.”

Sheriff and Priest nodded. The judge smiled once and then let his mouth droop into a frown of natural state. He began and called Star to the stand, which she gladly danced forward to sit at. Once seated he 'hmpfed' at her antics and droned on with the charges.

“You are detained here this day to stand trial accused of practice of unlawful magic, therein described as 'consorting with the gates of hell and Satan himself to summon a devil child'. As well as this, the accusation of underage, nonparental consented-or acknowledged-sexual conduct with an unmarried girl of sixteen is brought forth and recognized today before those attending.”

Dawn sighed, bowed her head, and smacked her palm to her forehead. Of course her mother would have those charges presented against her. She was disgusted with the realization-once again- that her mother was a dark magic using pervert. Richi stared at her with his dark eyes, unreadable. On the stand Star merely sighed in preparation and nodded.

“I understand and acknowledge these accusations your honor,” she said.

“How do you plead before the court?”

“Not guilty.”

The courtroom erupted in noise of all kinds. Screams, shouts, good and bad. Against or with her. Outraged parents paid to stand there and scream discontent. The judge banged rapidly on his stand to silence the crowd and it wasn't until the Bailiff stood and went to an apparent stand covered in black satin. But he pulled the cover away to reveal an amp. He turned on a switch and Star covered her ears at the sound of feed back that went unnoticed by the crowds. Tam watched the Queen and followed suit just as the Bailiff brought a guitar out of a hidden panel cabinet and plugged it to the amp. He strummed to test it and then strummed again and shook the house.

The noise vibrated all through the court room, shaking the people to their cores. When the wave of sound ended he strummed once more and brought them to their knees. With their submission as a single crowd clear, he set the guitar down and the judge cleared his throat. The people paid close attention now. Star smiled and tried not to laugh, the power of the guitar always amazed her.

“You said Not Guilty?”

“Yes, yes I did,” she was so proud.

“Why is that?” The judge droned on in a sarcastic way, he knew her. He had heard many stories, presided over several of her cases, and knew that she was confident. The ones who accused her were the ones he was waiting to be impressed by.

“Permission to speak my case freely your honor?” She asked.

“As long as it pertains to your reasons for pleading not guilty you may proceed.”

“Oh that they do.” She licked her lips, dried from the joint she smoked right before coming in. She cleared her throat. “I want to clearly state here and now that in the case of underage, noparentrental sexual-”

“Or acknowledged!” Tam shouted.

The priest smiled and nodded.

She continued. “Conduct with an underage, unwed girl of sixteen. I believe we met through a social gathering at the time. You see , your honor, I was well beyond inebriated and truly unaware in such celebratory times that the seemingly young Woman,” she stressed the word 'woman'. “who approached me was indeed a young girl. I was fooled your honor!” She shouted in dramatic flair and flopped forward in her seat, putting her head on her shoulders in apparent grief of being so horribly duped. “I am but a product of my people, I feel them, and I become one with them. The girl, who as I said I did not know was so young, merely was trying to express her happiness, which as Queen I live for, and I accepted to have her by my side that night. I am sorry to inform the court, that by the time I stand accused of fornicating with her, knowing she was underage, is based on a night of intoxicated misunderstanding. Many were there, and many can testify to my lack of clear headed knowledge of my actions.”

“In other words,” the judge said. “You are saying that you were intoxicated during a celebration and in the middle of it you were led to believe that a sixteen year old girl was a twenty year old girl.”

“Ah, but that I wish I even had ever guessed her age.” Star replied. “I never asked her age, she assured me she was a young woman of proper age.”

“Your honor I object!” Tam shouted.

“Proceed.” He droned.

Star looked at him expectantly as he approached. He found the strength in him to stand up against her, she didn't look terrifying. Pretty, but not terrifying.

“You admit to being highly intoxicated at a social celebration last night?”

“I do.”

“And you're claiming that in that time a young girl pretended to be a grown woman and seduced you?”

“Actually I-”

“Yes or no?” He rushed her.


“Who exactly can prove this?”

She chuckled. “Well who do you want first? They're all here,” She motioned to the crowds.

He called a man forward and faced him on the stand. “Did you see your Queen intoxicated on the night she stands accused of fornication with knowledge of age?”

“Aye sir, I saw her that night with the girl.”

“Oh you know this girl?” Tam asked excitedly.

“Of course, she sneaks out with a group of us all the time. We dress up older and pretend to be other names to get into more parties and clubs.” He started laughing.

“Thanks a lot Dane!” A young girl from the audience shouted.

“Order in the court!” The Judge shouted. “I will remove you if you do that again!”

There was silence. The boy was excused. The Sheriff sat down.

“I gather that the rest of you who would testify have the same opinion? Raise your hands if you agreed with that young man there. If you agree that the Queen was intoxicated to the point of being unable to recognize woman from girl.” The judge called upon those present to participate en mass.

Many raised hands.

“If you saw your Queen that night she is accused and she was NOT intoxicated enough to be blind to the difference between a girl and a woman, raise your hands please.” He asked again.

There were fewer hands, three. Two when one fell to retract their vote.

The judge nodded. “Jury what say you?” He turned to the crowd of dignitaries and random village people in the jury box. The lead juror stood to announce their answer.

“She is Not Guilty of having knowledge of-”

“We know what it was,” the judge interrupted. “The next matter is more pressing. Practice of unlawful magic. With testimony available, Tamascus of Holy Wood, Sheriff of the village known as Sativa Bayeux, will come forward to present this evidence. Star please return to the stand.”

She did. Tam turned to the Priest.

“Do not worry,” the Priest said, even though he seemed more nervous than Tam. “This is the serious part. Now go as we spoke about and share what you know. Remember what I said, say what I did.”

Tam nodded and stood up. He approached.

“The girl, who I can not name, the one from your now pardoned under-aged knowledge accusation, gave testimony to you showing her the Boy who was summoned.” He came closer and gave a stack of pages to the Judge who shuffled through them. “As you will read, she says that one night, after her first sexual encounter with the Queen, she was taken to the Queen's manor on the outskirts of the city. To Blackmoore Manor where she grew up.”

He faced the crowds. The girl in the crowd who they spoke of was ashamed of betraying her queen. Her parents forced her too.

“The dear girl stated that after fornicating, the Queen introduced her to a young boy of twelve or thirteen in appearance. He slept in a nest of constructed blankets in the dark steam, natural springs that Star Dust built her laboratories in during her times as Lady Blackmoore. The guards who assisted the arresting group of police the day of the raid, can all give testimony to the laboratories I refer to. Its all here,” he held up another stack of papers.

Star knew that the arresting officers were BOC followers. This was unfortunate but of no issue. Let him have this knowledge.

“How do you counter your highness?” The judge asked her.

She shrugged. “I did have the boy in my manor house at that time. I did show him to the girl in confidence of her silence.”

“So you admit to summoning him?” The priest suddenly piped up.

“No, I said I harbored him.”

“How is that different?!”

“I found him wandering the fields below my house. I took him in. I had no idea he was a demonic being if he was at all.”

The priest stared at her as if she had struck him.

“Then how do you account for blasting him off into space when the raid was conducted on your manor?” Tam demanded to know.

“I grew attached to him, having nos sons of my own. When I was informed that men were seen in the distance, fast approaching, I believed it to be an attack from a Spyder Gang and in a panic I sent him off into Space.”

“Who can prove your attachment and finding the boy?” Tam was brimming with anxiety and doubt.

“Watch your temper Mr Tamascus,” the wig adorned judge growled at him.

“My apologies your honor. I ask again, do you have a witness that can testify to that statement?”

“Yes, my cousin Richi. He was with me that night I found the Boy.”

Richi stood. The Judge addressed him with a nod and the command to speak the truth.

“I saw it your honor,” he said. “I was there for the evening when she went outside and miraculously came back with a child in tow. She is maternal and it was no surprise that she took him in. Given her current status with the Spyders, she was indeed confused.”

The Judge nodded and grumbled as he sat back in his seat.

Tam had one last effort. “If you did not summon him, you still harbored him.”

“That's not what my accusation being debated here stated.”

“No but you know where he is. You do.”

“This is true,” Judge man said. “This is very serious your highness. Consorting with demonic forces raises suspicion, and pardon me, of dangerous black magic that you yourself proclaimed unlawful to use in accordance with your reconstruction of the law book. You set down these laws to prevent those of demonic nature to be summoned and used in times of conflict.”

“I am aware,” she said to him. “But alas, I do not know where he went. I sent him into space with the expectation he would return in a few days when danger lifted. But he was thrown into orbit and I lost his signal long ago.” She looked down in apparent sadness.

“The matter of this trial was to deem that she herself practiced unlawful black magic that raised a demon from Hades. With the testimony of Sir Richi Blackmoore-”

“And that of my entire staff.” Richi held up his own stack of papers. He took them to the Judge as he droned on.

“With Sir Richi's testimony and that of his staff,” he passed the papers to the Bailiff who passed them to the jury to inspect. “With what was has been given, I proclaim that she is Not Guilty of practicing unlawful black magic as stated. Mr Tamascus Bay, if you wish to pursue a trial for her harboring a fugitive you must arrange a separate hearing.”

As he continued with his sentences, the crowds were beginning to bubble with talk.

“Also, as for her crime of underage fornication, that too, from the testimony given, is found to be False due to the level of intoxication that blinded our Queen's judgement. Star Dust Moorison of Holy Wood, I the presiding Judge Kruhl, find you innocent of your crimes put forth by the provided evidence of Sheriff Tamascus Bay of Sativa Bayuex. Unless the jury cane provide further counter argument in the next week, you are free to go today.”

Star got up from her stand, and everyone knew full well that once the jury placed every single, individual testimony in order, that the truth would be a white paper road all the way out of the court room, following the Queen. The trial was not officially over, the jury still had a week to decide their final answer. But she knew that what she had provided was sufficient enough to prove the Tamascus fellow wrong.

Tamascus looked to the Priest but the BOC man was just as astounded. The Sheriff was hallow, he dreaded the return to Sativa Bayuex, absolutely dreaded it.

Richi and Dawn left with Star the same way they all came, through the front doors. Reporters and photographers stormed the front steps but Star pushed them away and entered the horse drawn carriage waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Inside was black and the curtains thick, Dawn got in with Star and Richi took up in a car behind them. Star lit a joint, puffed, and passed to Dawn. Her daughter was silent, that was not good.

“That's not what you told me when I bailed you out after the raid,” she said. “You told me that it was all true. You used magic to summon the Boy.”

“Yes, and Richi was there with me. We did it together, a mix of science and magic combined. Oh it was a spectacular sight!” Star was joyfully reminiscing.

Dawn drew on the joint. “I would hardly call summoning demon boys Spectacular.”

“His name is Angus, my baby Angus.” She smiled. “ He is coming back soon. You will grow to accept him.”

“Ha! A demon as my brother? Not a chance you crazy bat.” She eyed her mother. “He wasn't the bastard king you wanted him to be.”

“The witch said I would put the next king on the throne and the king would be a bastard.”

“Maybe it was a figure of speech.” Dawn rolled her eyes.

“No, it meant a real bastard.”

“So you and Richi had a bastard? But you didn't carry him you summoned him. Even if you presented it to the courts that way it would never work.” The Princess stared hard at Star. “You are deranged.”

Star shrugged. “I am, and no, he is not the bastard I thought he would be. A bastard, but not The bastard.”

“Stop fighting it mother!” She said suddenly. “Put me as queen if you want a successor so badly.”

Star leaned forward and held Dawn's face in her hands. She smiled and her eyes welled with tears. “I would rather sacrifice the life of a bastard boy rather than my only living daughter. I lost two daughters, if you become queen on earth you will die.”

“Ok ok, you keep being crazy,” Dawn pulled away. “You'll give up one day.”

Her mother wanted to say more, but she couldn't. It was useless to explain that the witch who said she would bare a bastard king, also said her daughters of earth would rule red sands. Star only knew of one place with red sand, it was far away and no Earthling had been there in many years. She saw it in her dreams and knew she had been there once before.

However, she went on. “I've heard of a new band on the Great Southern Island. Prince Malcom is a rather talented musician you know.”

“I assume this is the band your Angus is a part of?”

“Yes,” Star was proud from afar. “They're coming soon.....He is coming with them, and not just Angus.”

Dawn faced her. “He?”

She nodded.

Her daughter knew that the man and subject was trouble and didn't feel in the mood for opening that conversation. She knocked on the roof of the carriage. It stopped.

“Driver halt!” She stood and exited. “I'm going to spend some time in town mother, Rosie is being looked after. Remember, she does not go out after dark!” She slammed the door closed before Star could speak otherwise.

The Queen was sent on alone, tired, and was no more aware of the man sitting above her. His blue eyes were hidden under a drivers three cornered sun hat and a tall neckline from his coat against the winds growing colder. He watched her daughter go into the nearest tavern and many people hailed her as she went. What a strange family, he thought. He drove the Queen to the castle and she didn't look at him as she went inside, smoke from a joint on her lips trailing behind her. He would visit her before he left to go back south but until then he slipped in to carry out his driver charade and just as Sir Blackmoore came into view, Bon-the driver in disguise- slipped away.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

S1, Chapter 4. Power of the Knight.

Continuing......Wizard Lands, morning.

The air was crisp, the day was bright, the storms were gone. This is what Dawn awoke to in the early hours of morning. She grabbed her sword and stood, going tot he Knight. She found him sitting against a tree and he did not move when she approached. She shook her head; magic. Her mother practiced legal and illegal magic and she was sick of it, no matter that she too was immortal, frozen in time.

She kicked his still foot. “Awake!”

The White Knight creaked and stood. Dawn knew that no mortal man could sleep like that.

“Today we break curses!” Dawn shouted at him. She kicked him and he didn't move. She nodded and led him forward, herself readied.

They approached the castle and the wall of magic was still there, glowing. When they were before the green glowing magic, she ushered the way for the Knight to go forward and do whatever it was she knew he did. He knelt down on the ground at the gates to the castle, with his finger he drew ancient runes in the dirt. They began to glow gold.

A gold glow began to crept along the ground, snaking its way to the base of Star's magic wall. The gold began to slowly over take the green and the Knight traced more gold runes on the gates and stone walls. She held her breath, in awe of his power, of the battle of magic as the gold stopped, the green pushed back, the gold pushed back, and pushed forward. She drew her sword and knelt on the ground, she bowed her head to the hilt, asking the Goddess of War, Appalonia, an old pagan goddess, for power to over turn her mother's curse. She considered this an act of war between mother and daughter.

Suddenly the gold began to glow brighter. The Knight stood and his voice, a deep gravelly thing that was more of a demonic sound than human, echoed louder and louder. He was encouraging the magic and Dawn witnessed the green be consumed by gold as the sun rose in the sky behind the castle. Her eyes lit with the glow of the magic and the dark blue burned a lighter blue. Her heart began to race, just what would she find? As she watched the curse be reversed by the purest magic known to man or woman, she couldn't help but wonder. Whatever it was she was going to defend the Wizard, her mother would get over herself DAMMIT. Dawn put her hand on the hilt of her sword and her knuckles tightened.

The moment the gold magic cleared the doors Dawn burst forward and kicked them down. She raced into the castle and her ears adjusted to the sound of screaming echoing through the castle. Her feet took her where she wanted to go, her will taking her. She flew by the random male servants of the place, she cared not for them. She came to a sitting room, it was dark and candle lit, at first it appeared harmless. But upon closer look she found it to be a torture chamber and what she saw made her put an end to it.

Inside, her mother had the Wizard tied to the ceiling by his wrists, his ankles were tied to pegs in the floor. He had a gag in his mouth and a blindfold on. His manhood was hard and she had a thin silver chain tied at head of his shaft leading to two clamps on either of his nipples. Her mother, in a thin gown of white velvet, loosely tied-Dawn tried not to look, but one couldn't help it- with one hand buried in the panties she wore. Star was holding a soft, tan leather whip in her free hand. It was soft for repeated striking of one's slave without causing them bruising or obscene pain. Still, she made sure each lick made him wince.

The door had been open and the moment Star saw Dawn her face lightened, her dark circled eyes widened and the glowing honey color grew brighter. She threw the whip at the Wizard and he drew a sharp breath in through his nose when it hit his back. As it struck him she fell to the ground, laughing as she withdrew her hand from her underwear and felt her ridiculous curse fade away. She felt the lust and the fever melt into the new day, she felt her racing heart slow to a steady beat. Dawn ignored her mother entirely and went straight to the Wizard, drawing her dagger and cutting the rope ties that trapped him.

“Serves you right Wizard,” Star got to her feet, stumbling and falling. Her knees were too weak.

“What did you do to him!?” Dawn shouted as she took care of him and removed his gag.

“He thought he had me, I HAD YOU!” Her ramblings were mad and she laughed in between words. “I simply had my way darling.” The woman explained. A sudden cramp-an after affect of the magic- shocked her side and she shut her eyes, clutching her body. She tried to laugh the pain away. “I wouldn't call what happened between us love making. Would we dear Wizard one? This? This is nothing,” she shook her head. “Nothing compared to what I've done to him and others of this castle.”

Dawn glared at her. “SHUT UP YOU CRAZY BAT!”

Star laughed.

The Princess was caring as she freed the Wizard, gently releasing the clamps and seeing how red and raw his nipples were. She soon had him leaning against her as they left the room. He directed her to the nearest bedroom and she helped him into the bed. He too felt the release of the curse and it was like he could breath fully again, each breath swept a lungful of cold air into his over heated body. He was glad for it, and thankful for rest.

When Dawn returned to the her mother she saw the woman laying on her back on the floor, content. She wouldn't let her off that easy. As she crossed the room Star spoke.

“I am happy you did it but I am also baffled by how easy it was.”

They both knew she meant her curse.

“The White Knight is more pure than your lust,” Dawn said. She picked up her mother and had her lean on her shoulder.

“Aaahhh, makes sense now. Too true.” Star smiled, thinking her daughter was friendly with her. “Can't wait to return to the castle, we have things to discuss.”

“You are returning. I am not.”

Star looked confused, she looked at Dawn and couldn't stop her to make her talk. “You're not going with me? Where are you going this time?”

“You, you neurotic animal, will return to castle Ao'o ** and get your self together. You will stay away from here mother.”

They approached the two horses and Dawn didn't let Star stop for a moment. They passed the Knight as he finished his job. Star was disheartened by his ease and strength, she felt weak.

“Now Dawn be reasonable! I'm half naked!”

“I know. This is me being reasonable. I'm punishing you for your insolence on my future fiance and husband.” She stopped her mother and they faced each other. “I declare this land under my personal protection against my mother the Queen of Holy Wood and I swear to Gods and devils that if you return here we Will fall into war.”

“Geez Child!” Star shouted. “You need not be forceful! I get it! Trust me,” she eyed the castle. “Where once was love, is only memories. We had our fun, and I secede from our battle over him.” She hated saying it. “Siiiigh, you win child.”

“HAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT!” Dawn laughed in triumph and suddenly drew her sword, whacking the hilt to her mother's head. The woman dropped and Dawn caught her in one arm, branching the sword away in the other. “Sorry for that. Well actually I'm not, you had it coming and it felt good.”

She set her sword down and hefted her mother into the horse saddle. She was light and Dawn was giftedly strong. She tied the woman into the saddle and then tied her arms to her sides and put a stick between her back and the ropes to make her stay upright. The Princess laughed at the sight of her mother looking so foolish in the aftermath of her own curse. Served her right. The woman smacked the horse and it began moving forward, making way to the castle.


Within the Dark Castle.

With the woman gone the Wizard rested. He rested all day and into the night. Sometime during the night he awoke and the first thing he saw was Dawn, She was watching him, and he noticed the goblet in her hand, the cooling soup on the table across the room. He saw that her leather gloves and shin guards were gone. She was down to the soft under tunic and loose pants. She smiled softly at him, her hair still held up in a tail on her head.

He liked her face. She didn't wear eye kohl or rouge. She didn't need to, her face was unlined and open. It was kind when she smiled and was relaxed, she seemed to relax easily around him. He was calm around her, it made his heart calm.

“How long have you been here?” He asked.

She gave him the goblet, he drank the water.

“Not long. Its only midnight.”

“Why did you stay? Why did you not return to castle Ao'o?” He wanted to know, even though he hoped her answer would be to be with him.

“Even though you kidnapped my daughter I know you would never hurt her. You did it to get my attention, I know that. My mother is the ultimate diva, do you think I don't know a cry for attention when I see one? You didn't have to take Rosie,” she admitted. “But, it worked. Here I am. Now what did you want?”

He stared at her, surprised by what he really wanted. Nothing more than for her stay and to laugh.

“I want you to stay. I want you to spend a while with me, I know of you, and yet I don't know you at all.”

She thought to herself, “He is just as enchanting as they say. And he wants me to stay and talk with him.” She nodded. “Of course.”

He leaned back into the pillows on his bed. Her eyes wandered over his chest, the light down of black hair called to her, she wanted to touch him. He caught her looking, she met his eyes. She smiled and then stood and kissed his forehead. He grabbed her face and turned her to kiss him, he had wanted this moment. Her soul screamed to disrobe them and have their way with each other, but she didn't. He needed rest and she had plenty of time to spend with him. She sent orders from the Kingdom by the Sea for Richi to collect Rosie when Star returned to the castle. Until then, Dawn would go where she wanted, stay where she wanted, and seduce her future husband if she so wanted to.

She hated that for the BOC and Court Houses of Holy Wood to accept and bind her marriage to a magic man, her mother first had to consent. A little marriage law designed to protect women and girls from enchanting magic men trying to lure them into their trap. Magic men, wizards, warlocks, spirits, elves etc and the like, sometimes got bold and would tempt women to their lairs where they kept them as spell bound slaves forever. A parent, or third party must give consent to the marriage to ensure the safety of the women.

She knew that now Star would HAVE to accept though. She would force her mother to make them wed. But for now, the princess was happy to order the men servants around and tend to her Wizard.


Castle Ao'o, night.

Star sank into the steaming bath tub centered before her bed. She had this large copper tub brought up so that she didn't have to leave her chambers once she awakened in her rooms. Richi drank wine at the table on the veranda, the doors opened allowing the cooling breeze to enter. He was turned away from her, looking out towards the dark lands dotted with lights and fires from the village people.

“You mean she still wants him? After you violated him?” he was surprised.

“Yes that was my reaction too. But she knows it was me who cursed him and found it in her to forgive him of any crimes and help him recover. There must be something there that I don't see. Maybe to marry them will end the feud between the Wizard and me.

“Of course it would you idiot. Why it took you this long to understand that is astounding.”

“Well if it was so smart a marriage why didn't you try to arrange it?”

“I did, once or twice. You rejected. But now you see it is helpful.”

“If I even do it,” she smirked to herself.

“Oh you will...” He looked at her form outside, his eyebrow was raised in skepticism.

She shrugged and then nodded. “Oh all right. If its whom she really wants. I thought she would hold out for that boy to come back.”

“You mean the father of her children?”


“I know you don't like talking about Dawn's Son, but he did exist.”

“I know Richi!” She suddenly shouted. “I know. . . . .The father's name was Appolonio. He came from a land outside the Seven Kingdoms, far to the west. He was called back for a war and we haven't seen him since before Deniel was born.” She sighed and needed to move on quickly over her dead grandson. Boys didn't last long in her family. “I saw Bon.”

Richi turned and faced her. He hated that man. His very name drove Richi into anger.

“In the castle, he came to me.” She said gently, knowing that Bon upset her cousin.

“And what did he want?” He snapped.

“To tell me, Us, about the Boy. He says the group is almost ready and he is doing well in civilized life.”

This made Richi calm and smile. “Our little red devil.”

“I miss him.” She sniffed.

“They shouldn't be too much longer, we'll see our Boy again.”

“I don't mean the boy...although, I miss my little devil too.”

“I told you never to talk to me about Bon.” He said, knowing who she spoke of. He was so cold to her, he had to be.

He knew she couldn't afford a weakness. Anyone or anything other than Dawn and Rosie were weaknesses a woman of power like her couldn't give in to. He knew Bon was her one wish, the one thing that would truly wound her most, the one man who got closest to her.

She frowned and got out of her tub, water rippling across her skin. She wrapped a robe around herself and went to him angrily. She slapped him and he flashed to his feet, he was slightly taller, dressed in his black velvet. He towered over her and she shivered in a small breeze, still drenched from her bath water, but stood up against him.

“Why are you so cold Richi?”

“Because he hurts you. Every time he leaves your side you cry for days.”

She scowled and started to object. “I have not-”

“I hear you Star,” he said. “You don't fool me.”

She shook him off. “I see.” She crossed her arms. “Well then, our boy is returning in a year and my trial begins soon. Tell me about it.” She turned her back to him and returned to her bath.

Richi hated fighting with her, he changed the subject. “Your trial begins in two days.”

“Fuck the trial!” She ducked under the water and Richi wandered in from the outside. His arms were crossed when she came back up.

“We cannot. It's coming and we have to prepare. We should have prepared a long time ago.”

“Richi, I told you not to worry about the Trial. When it comes I'll be prepared. Please stop worrying about it. Like I said before, we've faced their trials before, we can do it again.” She told him with a tone of tired confidence. 

He picked up the cigar box on her mahogany table. Inside were not cigars, but joints. He took one and lit it. He breathed in deep and held before letting out a cloud of smoke. He sighed and had no choice but to trust her, she was right after all. Every trial they went through she found a way out of it, using her wits and hidden knowledge. He wondered what kind of knowledge she would pull out of her ass this time. She sure was going to need it.


**((Castle Ao'o, Ao'o translated means Lizard. Lizard Castle.))

Sunday, November 27, 2016

S1 Chapter 3; White Knight

2020 AC/DC. En Route to the Kingdom by the Sea.

The day that came was breezy and the sky was smudged with grey clouds against a blue sky. Dawn and her child Rosie came in an unannounced appearance at the Castle By the Sea, where the Old King ruled, Old King being a title passed from one king to the next. They were taken to his great hall where he and his court sat as they spent their days. They were there now as Princesses Dawn and Rosie entered. Dawn was dressed for battle in black leather arm and shin guards, Rosie in her pleated skirt and white tights. Never was there more of a contrast between innocent and not.

The Kingdom by the Sea was an old old house that was established long ago when the first explorers from the Great Island came to mingle with the free folk of the Seven Lands. Thousands of years went by and the Kingdom by the Sea became the oldest, most respected kingdom out of the Seven lands. The King himself was now old, his grandfather took part in the Holy Wood Rebellion of '79 and ties with Holy Wood were dormant, but strong. Star was a Pisces Born, she was drawn to the sea and water and it was the first place the Shaman took her to when she woke up in the deserts. Dawn was no stranger to this place and knew that to get what she wanted she had to be calm here, aggression was met with negative effects.

She came to the foot of the throne and dropped to one knee in customary greeting, she knew that acting brash would get her nowhere here. When she stood he smiled kindly, his pale blue eyes sparkled with mischief, it made Dawn wary.

“To what do we owe the pleasure of your company, Princess of Holy Wood.” He addressed her.

“I have no time to waste words, so I will be forthright. I need your White Knight, his purity can break any curse it is said. Is this true?”

He always did like the blood of Star Dust, wild and strong. Natural born rulers. Their ways were commendable, their attitudes made him smile, so different from one Moorison lady to the next.

“Who is it who needs saving may I ask?”

She didn't want to say it, her mother's shenanigans were widely known and this one would make people laugh. “My mother.”

“Who placed the curse?”

She sighed in angst, “My Mother the Queen set it upon the Wizard in revenge for kidnapping my daughter, and trapped herself in the process.” So many words, so much time wasted already.

There was small laughter through the crowds, she didn't look at the snickering nobles. She lifted her chin and looked down her nose at everyone surrounding her, her eyes darkened like an impending storm. One could almost hear the thunder at her finger tips. If she kept her composure she knew they would help. Snickering beasts they may be, they were human at heart.

“I shall lend the Knight to your service, but first the conditions must be signed and reviewed.”

His steward came forward with quill and contract in hand. Dawn had no time. She kept a level voice and tried her hand at using solid reason and urgency.

She couldn't take the formalities. “I beg pardon King but I cannot stand here and wait for the contract to be recorded. I need the Knight as quickly as possibly. Whatever the cost is know I will pay it!”

“Very well,” the King grinned, it was a shame she wouldn't let him continue but she did say she would pay any price. He nodded to the Knight in question.

The Knight had been standing to the side and behind the throne. He came forward, a seven foot tall faceless man who never spoke or removed his armor. Some said he was an enchanted suit, others said a cursed man, others said he was a hero from the Great Holy Wood Rebellion. But his soul was said to be pure enough to break any curse. Dawn hoped his purity was enough for him to bring down the wall her mother had created. Anyone who wanted the Knight had to pay but the price was different for everyone and not all were willing to pay. The Princess warrior didn't care about spending riches or items to save her mother. She would do it.

The Knight marched forward under his white colors and Dawn got on her knee to bow. Rosie dipped her head and curtsied, all the while quietly watching. The Old King gazed at her with such deep kindness, he knew a like Leo soul when he saw one. They were rare in these lands, Leo Borns.

“If you are going into Battle, you may wish to keep the child here. We will keep her safe from harm.” The King said.

The mere thought sent Rosie's eyes wide with panic and she suddenly grabbed at her mother's cloak tail.

“Mummy,” she whispered.

Dawn turned to face her. “Now Rosie you have to be brave. No one here will do you any harm or unkindness. They are known for their gentle hearts. I have to go fight and you cannot follow me there.”

A group of ladies in waiting opened their arms to the girl and she had to admit that they didn't seem or feel threatening in the least. The man in her head who was always watching, told her it was safe to go forward. She hated the thought of leaving her mother but knew it was for her own safety. She went with the ladies and Dawn gave her one more parting look before storming out with the Knight in tow. He followed silently as she mounted her stead, he mounted his white stallion and away they flew across the lands, to the Tower of Black. With her mind settle by the White Knight she was free to revert back to the anger she felt at her mother being locked up under a sex curse with the very man Dawn knew she would some day marry.

“It should be me in the castle!” She screamed as she kicked her horse to go faster, the steed was empowered by her furious soul and it gave the creature power as they thundered forward.


Inside the Dark Castle of the Wizard, evening.

Star and the Wizard flung away from each other. They panted heavily and were drenched in sweat. Unsatisfied but exhausted from hours of “going at it”, they had to run away from each other to get any rest. A curse meant to punish the Wizard! Star gasped for breath as she left the Wizard laying on the rug before a fire. He closed his eyes lest the sight of her departing behind made him hard again. He laid on his front, gripping the edge of the rug and biting his knuckle.

She went up as far as up went into the lofts of the castle. Its enchanted halls changed constantly, making anyone who did not know its power lost, Star was not lost but she wished she was.A bed soon came to her feet and she flung herself into it, laying down on her back. To anyone else she appeared a corpse, they couldn't eat enough because eating made them aroused, they couldn't sleep because they burned with a raging sexual fever. Every time they coupled they climaxed and body fluids were never exchanged so heavily, but they were left with a never ending feeling of being unsatisfied. Nothing they did, no position, no length of time, no amount of aggressive hair pulling and flesh smacking made them feel spent.

Away from each other they could rest for a time until the need was upon them again. The Wizard did not live completely alone in his castle, he had servants, people of Holy Wood who came to work for him, nearly only wandering men who needed work. Women, unless in need of a nameless lover, steered clear of the Castle. The man servants had Not fallen under the curse, but the sounds of the two nobles frantically making love drove them mad all on its own. They had never seen or experienced such a uncontrollable frenzy between two bodies. They wondered how any living creature could expend so much energy and not die.

One such man among them was driven to more pain than any of them. He had only recently taken up work in the castle, having returned from the Great Island to the South. He was visiting the Queen's ill begotten bastard son and had news that only he could deliver in the deepest secrecy, direct from Prince Malcom of the Younge family. The man was not the tallest figure ever born, and his face was not conventionally handsome. But something in his eyes was smart and wild, brave and full of fire. Those blue eyes that darted through the darkened halls, his arms were strong and relaxed in his process of searching. His feet were silent, his legs muscled from years of creeping in the shadows. He was looking for the woman he had hoped would come, after hearing the Wizard speak out loud about the Princess Dawn he knew how to get Star here.

The Wizard had wondered aloud where Dawn was and why she felt the need to run the underground gangs when she could be with him. The Man had casually mentioned, while continuing to work, that the best way to get the Princess- or even the Queen for that matter- was to go through the girl Rosie. He pointed out that the Princess in waiting was often left alone when her female family members were out entertaining the masses. The Wizard had been enlightened and the Man laughed to himself with the outcome. Of course the Queen would cast a curse and curse herself too. He went to her now, watching the nude nymph as she tried to escape her own curse.

He found her hidden in a smaller guest room. When his eyes fell upon the sleeping beauty he suddenly remembered why he had been following her every track for the last forty years. He was a Dirty Deeds Man, an assassin for hire, and in 1973 before she married the Lizard King, he was sent to kill her. But he couldn't do it and when he came to her bedside he knew why; she was his soul mate. He had failed his mission, and missed out on the payout of his life, because when he made love to her that night she had touched his soul with her own.

Now she was older, she had been but a girl when he first met her, and she had been married, made Queen, gifted the Six Lands with Immortality, had three children, and one grandchild. He was still a Dirty Deeds Man. Now she was thin, near sickly looking, the exhaustion was clear in her face and had he not seen her walking, he would have taken her for a fresh corpse. Dead looking but beautiful still.

He sat on his heels, silently beside the bed. He couldn't touch her, afraid to wake her like he had been that morning after their first night together. She mumbled, she always mumbled in her sleep. His soul screamed at him to pick her up in his arms and kiss her until she cried. He wanted to placate the curse with their desires for each other, but every time he made love to her it only became harder to leave. Still, she began to come to after only minutes of sleep, and he was sorry that his presence awoke her, she could sleep when he was gone.

She seemed to know who he was before they saw each other. “Bon?” Her eyes opened and she reached out to touch his strong face, his dimpled cheeks and manly jaw line. “Bon is that you? Is it really you? Gods its been so long.”

“Five years to be exact....”

“Too long...”

With the curse upon her she reached out to him, cupping his neck in an iron grip and bringing him in to kiss her frantically. He could tell she was too desperate, driven by the curse. Still he didn't push away until she shoved herself away.

“I'm sorry I cursed this castle and myself...I am not myself.” She cried into the silk sheets.

He didn't want to say what he had to. Duty often had to overrule love. It was the way their lives were cast.

“I can't stay long Star, I came here to talk to you very briefly....”

She bit her tongue to keep silent. All she really wanted to do was spend the rest of eternity in this place with the man before her. That wish had been the same for the last forty years.

“The boy is almost ready. Another year or so the group will be complete. He's adapting quite well to life on the Great Island. Full of trouble, just like his mother.”

She laughed. If she weren't so full of life with rosie cheeks, he would've believed she was dying, laying in the bed like an invalid when it was exhaustion that weighed on her. With the Wizard equally as punished by her own curse, he was off sleeping in the castle. Trying to recover from their sexcapades. Even the magician needed a reprieve. Bon kissed her head and when she blinked he slipped away, she blinked again, hoping he would return to her line of sight but as always he left without a word and she let him go without a word. It was easier that way, all the times he couldn't stay, all the words she couldn't say, left unspoken lest their strength crumble around them. Both wanted only each other, but what they wanted mattered for nothing in their positions, it was a painful circle they ran in.

Then, blissfully, she had a dream about their first meeting. She hadn't recalled that night in years, so many other nights were more passionate than then but that single night they shared before her wedding was the most tender they'd ever had.

Dream land....

1973 CR, an outback train on the Great Southern Island.

Star Dust Blackmoore was on a trip as ambassador. She was reading the letter her father had written, traveling by train she was making way to the capitol called Sydny. She was going to meet her royal friends the Younge family as they opened up a a grand new acting house by the sea. Her father, Lord Alwein Blackmoore, had sent her a letter, dated a week ago, that the King of Holy Wood had made a choice out of the selection of noble girls presented to him for marriage. The King of Lizard blood had chosen Star, she was going to be the Queen of Holy Wood.

She let the letter fly free from her hands and fly out the window.

  Dearest Star Dust, child of mine. On the very day I write this, the king made his decision and called your name as his future bride. The entire family is so proud of you. Please return to the mainland as soon as this letter reaches you and we will commence with the wedding plans. Your future is like your name, bright and shining.
All of my love, Father.
Lord Alwein Blackmoore of Blackmoore Manor of Holy Wood

He always told her, your future is like your name, bright and shinning. She smiled at the corner of her mouth and the letter went away, so she was to be married already. She had only been conscious for fifteen years, she was thirty years old and she was engaged to the most powerful king in the Six kingdoms. She didn't know how she felt, after all it had been her parents who had put her name forward for the lottery, as the only female child of a prominent noble family, it was her duty to wed into royalty. She supposed it would interesting to say the least, her parents often said they didn't love each other when they married but they grew to love each other.

The train stopped and she got off to stretch her legs, her mind numb from the news of her engagement. She went straight to a bar and began drinking, to have fun as a single woman, to dance, to forget her duties............and she missed her train. It left without her and she didn't notice. She leaned against the jukebox, and watched a slinky character out of the corner of her eye. He had been trailing her all night, from the station to the bar. He came up beside her at the bar when she ordered her first drink.

He came up to her, finally. She grinned.

“Hey girl, I've been watching you all night,” he was slurring. "You're so pretty, so sexy," he whispered.

She was astounded and thought to herself, "Did this man honestly think he could seduce her like that?"

 "Why don't we dance?”

She laughed. “Dance, I say we will. But don't call me sexy.”

He laughed and followed her. They danced well, she was surprised, and not just because he kept pace with her. There was something about his rugged face that she was drawn to, she felt a sinking pit in her stomach as they competed on the dance floor, as the songs went faster their moves became more intense. Finally they stopped, in each others arms and their eyes met under a dusty light from above. They were not in a rusty, beaten old tavern. They were alone with each other. She pushed away from him and stumbled on her ankle, drunk. She went to the bar, ordered another rum shot and drank it in one fell swoop of her hand. The man came up to her, panting for breath and calming down. He did the same.

“My name is Bon,” he said after a drink. He held out his hand. "Bon Scotte."

She shook it. “That is how you meet someone.” Her laugh was low. “Especially when you meet a Blackmoore.”

“Oh?” He said in surprise, a smile bright on his face. “You are a Blackmoore? There's only one daughter of Blackmoore.”

She gave him a drunken bow. “In the flesh.”

His eyes swept her when she faced him again. “Not entirely.” His voice was not as pitched as it had been a moment before. It was low, kissed by a hint of seduction.

He leaned in to her, his eyes looking at her lips. She reacted the same way but even though she was drunk, she knew she shouldn't touch this man. She turned her face and he kissed her ear, the tip of his tongue licking her ear lobe for a moment. She gasped and grabbed her satchel and almost ran out of the tavern. He grinned at her departing flowy shawl.

When she left the tavern she walked straight to the train station, the warm wind blowing with the promise of a desert storm, humid and wet. She tried lighting the joint on her lips but the wind refused her lighter And her matches. She growled and stormed up to the open vestibule where the ticket lady was turning down the lamps and shutting the gates.

“No no no no no No No No NO!” Star screeched as she dropped her things and rushed up to the window. “You can't close I need to get on the next train!”

“Train don't make stop here at night.”

“What do you mean it doesn't stop at night?!”

“Just what I said lady.” The woman didn't miss a beat. “Train come in morning or you catch the next one in the next town in three hours.”

“Where is the next stop?!”

“Go East through the Back Desert, by car is two hours. You can make the train there.”

“I don't have a car and I need to be somewhere tomorrow at noon. I can't wait here until morning.”

“Oh,” the ticket woman stopped. She was a short elder woman with solid grey hair and tanned skin. She bore a tough glint in her eye.

Star Dust's hand curled into fists and her knuckled cracked. “Oh what?”

“You're fucked,” the woman said. She slammed the window cover shut and Star heard her lock up from the other side.

“Do you know who I am!?” She screamed. “I am Star Dust Blackmoore! I am engaged to the King of Holy Wood dammit!”

There was no give. She growled and went back to her dropped things. There at the entrance to the station was the man named Bon. She frowned at him and straightened her clothes before moving on in a slightly drunken stumble.

“Do you need a ride?” He asked as he watched her go by.

She spun round and pulled a blade on him. Where she grabbed it from he didn't know. A trick in her satchel most likely. She didn't shake or look afraid, she knew how to hurt a man with that little dagger.

“Stay away from me,” she said. “We had fun on the dance floor but that's where it ends.” She stormed off before he could say anything more.

She went to the edge of town leading east and sighed as she began walking along the dirt road to the next town. She was angry with this town of no name and wouldn't stay there over night. Dressed in a white mini dress and simple indoor slippers, she was not prepared for the chilly night air of the desert, during a rain. It began to pour and her thin, chiffon shawl was no match for the storm.

Her shoes were soon turned a dark muddy red from the clay like dirt beneath her feet, her knee high socks dropped and she didn't bother to fix them. The sound of a car came from behind and she jumped into the bushes to avoid being run over as a car came tearing down the road. It stopped up ahead and she fought the brush as she clawed out of the brambles. She cursed and thrashed about and didn't hear the car, a beat up white hatchback, begin to back up. She was still fighting the bush when the car stopped.

The man inside tried not to laugh at the sight of her fighting branches and tearing her lacy dress. Her socks were around her ankles and her shoes were caked in clay. He shook his head and opened the door, stepping out and slamming it behind him. He went to her and took the branches off of her dress, trying to gently unhook the thorns from the lace without tearing the dress. She stayed still when he did, knowing that he only wanted to help and let him help. She shivered when a gust of wind blew, he noticed.

“Do you still not need a ride?” He asked.

She shook her head. “May I trouble you for one?”

He opened the door, “Step right in.”

She sighed and sat in the passenger seat. He shut the door and got in the driver's seat, speeding off quickly. They spoke of little things, she complained of the rain, he said they don't get it often. They came to a bridge where they had to cross to get to the next village, but it was blocked, half wrecked by a flash flood. Star sighed and laid her head on the dash in front of her. This was just her luck, to be blocked by a wrecked bridge in a land that never rains that is now pouring rain.

Bon explained that they wouldn't get anywhere until morning and she realized her escape earlier had been in vain......she was his now. He got in the extended backseat, laid down the seats, and laid a convenient blanket across the cold leather upholstery.

She refused to but her wet clothes persuaded her to cuddle next to him under the blanket. She felt the heat of his body and her wet clothes hindered her comfort in the uncomfortable situation. But she refused to take them off. She felt his discomfort too but this was already an improper situation for an engaged Lady of nobility, what more did she have to lose when there was no one to see?

“Darling,” he said in a sweet tone, with his back to her, awkwardly smashing his front to the car. “This would be better if you got those clothes off to dry.”

“They will dry nicely on my body thank you.”

“ And we will freeze before we warm.”

She groaned in defeat and tore off the lace slip of a dress. She had only her lace panties to keep her somewhat decent. At first he didn't touch her, and she felt the strange sensation of laying against a stiff board, she was colder laying naked under the blankets next to him than in her wet clothes. She had lived a wild, swinging fifteen years of freedom and it had all amounted to a choice that was made for her. If this was her one last tempt at freedom she should have it. Besides, her virginity had been lost to her cousin Richi near ten years ago, she had nothing to lose besides her life and he hadn't strangled her yet.

She turned her front to his back and placed a hand on his warm skin. His body rippled at her cold fingered touch. He turned over then and his eyes saw hers glowing like sunlit honey in the summertime. He took her hand and led her to perversions she had not yet met. In the back of his car they tumbled head over heels over and over again in the dark.

She brought him to his knees and made him bend to her pleasure. He made her scream in desire and give him all she had with her. Nothing but her body. When he had her in his lap, he sat back on his heels and his eyes met the sight of a wire that didn't belong. It was misplaced on purpose, unnoticeable by a quick glance. But he knew it was meant to be removed. It was meant to be used to strangle Her, the very woman he was pleasuring.

There was a gun under the seats, a loose wire above and in the lining of the seats. There were knives hidden nearly everywhere. Handcuffs to bind her, poison to slip her, gases to leave her in. But he didn't touch any of it that night. He brought her to a resounding hot, wet mess in his hands, and he was not much better off. They fell asleep together soundly, smiles on their faces.

In the morning He awoke and dressed first. He had to sit up, careful not to wake her. She looked so at peace, he knew she was engaged. He was married. He knew she was part of the swinging free movement in Holy Wood, a lady of mysterious past and distinguished family name. He knew where she was going, where she came from, which seat on which train she was traveling by. He followed her off the train and to the bar and got her drunk, making all her drinks “on the house”.

He could kill her then, while she slept....Strangle her, shoot her, stab her, then chop her up and tie her up in little bags and spread her over the desert lands. But he wasn't going to, no matter than this job would pay him enough to put him into retirement at his age. He let her sleep until she stirred and seemed to feel his presence. He traced the contours of her body as she lay face buried in her arms on her belly. When she lifted her head she smiled at him and blinked her eyes trying to rid them of sleep. She yawned and sat up, revealing her body to him in the day. He wanted to go to her but didn't, their parting was to be abrupt and cold by his will. It made him angry.

“Good morning,” she said with a happy tone.

“Morning,” he returned with a smile.

She sat up and was beginning to dress. He watched. He had something to say.

“Star,” he stopped.

She looked at him, her dress rumpled and half way on. His tone was off and she wondered why. Did she have to fight now?

“I know this is so sudden.”

She dreaded his words.

“I'm a Dirty Deeds Man. I kill people for a living, and I was sent to kill you.”

She was stunned. He couldn't look her in the eye.

“This whole car is meant to kill you. I could leave you here and break a clay disk that will release poison into the air. Strangle you, stab you, even drown you. Someone paid me a lot of money for your head.”

“Are you going to kill me Bon?” She asked in a steady voice as a single tear rolled down her cheek. 

Her eyes never left his and it made him shiver.

He shook his head. “No. I'm going to drive you to Sydny where you were meant to go and then I will leave you there and we will never see each other again. Now get your things together, we're leaving.”

She didn't say another word, and neither did he, as they got themselves together and he drove on, the bridge cross-able now that the water was down. He took her all the way to the city like he said he would. He stopped and for a split moment they sat there, wanting to say something to the other. Anything. She could feel him wanting to speak, but she she didn't even look at him. They didn't say another word as she got out of the car and walked away, the door shut behind her, trapping her shawl on the seat beside him.

She disappeared into the city faster than he could pull away and it was he who lingered. It didn't take too long before he left, just enough for him to look for her before pulling away. He had a call to make. 

Waking world.....
Dark Castle of the Wizard, deepest night......

Star jumped as she came out of sleep. The burning fever of lust was upon her and burned between her legs in want. She was pulled out of sleep, out of her dream than she recalled with heart ache. She hunted the Wizard and the curse continued.....


Wizard Lands, night.....

Dawn could see the mighty tower not far off in the distance. It was night now and she would wait for the morning to come. Fighting unseen forces was better in the day and she would wait. . . .The knight waited and said nothing. A man crept by in the dark and they didn't hear him as he went off in the direction of Holy Wood. The night became still.

to be continued........

Thursday, October 27, 2016

S1, Chapter 2; The trick with curses...

2020 AC/DC. Holy Wood tavern, evening.

She wore a half dress of copper velvet. Bright copper. It matched her eyes. Richi watched her as she floated around the room, after her stage performance, she was flocked by young girls and boys. Men stood on the outskirts, waiting for her to break free from the young ones she had a penchant for. She drifted in and out of the smoke, the people adored her.

Richi watched as he always did, her right hand was the sane side of her. She was a good singer, more of an entertainer than singer. She was a good queen too, and a good mother, despite Dawn's wildness. The young woman was off now, stomping in and around the underground. She seemed to really take enjoyment in the belly of the city, all the gangs were in some way or another, under her control. She was a ruthless fighter and had taken down each crime boss one by one. There was nothing she didn't notice, and therefore nothing Star didn't notice.

The BOC was planning a jury assault, wanting to take Star to the stand AGAIN! For the three hundredth and thirty fifth time-yes he kept track- she was being accused of teenage seduction. Caught in the act with a sixteen year old girl who was screaming for pleasurable release. Truly screaming for Star to finish her off. Whatever the Queen did to that girl, it got her caught and imprisoned. But of course, by the Grace of the Queen's Goddess-The Mother- she was released the very next day with no charges having been pressed. A bail was always allowed and she always made it.

She was smoking now, and that herb even Richi smoked on while he watched her. Her bare legs looked longer than they were in the dim light of the club, in her mini dress of velvet. Rainbow lights danced over them all and a haze drifted around their ankles. She knew how to throw a party. She kissed a girl, and took her under her arms, she looked to Richi and winked, licking her lips with a small flick of her tongue. She was silently asking him to join her. He would of course, he had other lovers himself but how could you say no when a beautiful Queen asked you to bed with her and a young girl?

Dawn hated it when Star went after the young girls, Richi thought to himself while he took another sip of whiskey. Rosie, her grandchild, was just barely fifteen, well mentally. Physically she was supposed to be in her twenties, but Star had magic and magic always won. That's why the Princess and Princess-in-waiting, were not present. Dawn was sick of the reckless debauchery, but only when it concerned her mother, and had more fun ordering her underground subjects about. 

Yes, Dawn had her happy share of mind altering substances and loved her booze-a trait inherited form her father- the biggest difference between them was that Star loved many, while Dawn loved few. Another thing that twisted the blade in Dawn's side, irritating things between her and her mother, Star refused to give up the throne that was rightfully hers. Dawn was far old enough and capable, to run the kingdom by herself. But Star refused, caught up in a web of fortune telling and secrets. So the dark haired warrior woman ruled a different kind of kingdom.

Nearly one fourth of the kingdom came into immortality after Star won The Rebellion. Many subjects still chose to live and die mortal lives, noble creatures they were. Riche sipped his whiskey and gazed about the room. They loved her, everyone was free, men kissed men, women made love to women, all in the same room, all because Star had liberated them. The circle of love and hate was solid and bold between the BOC and the Queen.

Star's band, the Silver Knights, was a testament to her conquering the BOC sixty years ago. She sang of heroic deeds of men and women, of sex and pride and joy and love. She had harems of fans and even attracted many traveling musical knights and ladies from across the lands. She loved guitarist men and singers and women singers. The era of love had consumed them all and she took it all with grace and fervor. Richi himself was a guitarist, his own band, Light in the Black, was still cycling through singers, trying to find the right one. Richi was picky and could afford to be.

With Richi observing, waiting for the moment Star would retire so he could join her, the party went on and on well into the evening.


Holy Wood Castle, evening.

In the castle, Rosie sat alone at her window. She could see the lights where she knew her Nana was, and her mother was gone. Rosie was often left alone, and had learned to be alright in their absences, but it was still disheartening. Suddenly, below her window, she saw soft dancing orbs of yellow light. She smiled, they reminded her of fairies. They beckoned to her, dancing in and out of the trees, calling to her. Whispering her name and enchanting her. She got up and ran to go play with them, desperate for a friend.

She went, and played, and smiled and laughed in the darkness. The guards who normally stood guard at this hour, were slumped in their places, giving the appearance of standing guard but were cast into death. Rosie didn't hear the man approach from behind...didn't hear the rustling black robes of velvet...until they folded around her.


.....and was gone into the night.....


Holy Wood Castle, morning. 

In the morning, Star slept soundly with a brunette woman on one side, and Richi on the other. She got up, stretched and went to the warm coffee waiting in the foyer of her chambers. She inhaled the sweet scent of her drink and had just taken a morning sigh when the chaos erupted. The piercing scream reached her ears and the door blew open, she didn't flinch.

Her grandchild's maid rushed in, a plump short woman with red hair in thick curls. She mothered the girl when both Star and Dawn were absent, Dawn was due to return that mid afternoon. It was too late.

“HE HAS TAKEN HER! THE DARK ONE HAS TAKEN ROSIE!!!” She screamed and stared at her queen. Her name was May and she was fierce, Star had wanted her to be so.

Star set down her coffee, and slowly went to her wardrobe. May continued to curse and retell how the guards were found murdered at their posts and the Symbol of the Dark One was carved into Rosie's bedroom door. Star put on her dark blue jeans, her black ruffled, pirate's shirt, and put the brown belt around her waist. She grabbed a sword from the perch on the inside of the door and slung it around her waist. Star was going to go after the Wizard without hesitation. She tied back her hair, put on her riding boots, and she took off before Richi and the other lover had any idea what had happened.

Richi sighed, not again.

The Dark One often teased Dawn and Star, pitting mother and daughter against each other as he played their sexual fantasies and emotions. Though, if he knew Star well enough, he knew that while she loved making love to the wizard, her heart belonged to one man who she hadn't seen in years. Now he got up and the woman stirred across from him. Star traveled quick, May left the rooms and he pulled on his black trousers and was leaving the room.

He had to await for Dawn and he knew it wouldn't be long.


On her way, Star was met with a traveler. A wandering man dressed in red. She stopped her mad gallop when he stepped into the road. He threw back his hood, his hair dyed a deep red. He smiled and held a scythe by his side. He pointed it at her.

“Keep your children close,” he said. “And your enemies closer.”

“I don't have time for you, get out of my way!” Normally she would have fought the man hand to hand to make it fair. He was a Spider member, a gang that had been fighting to over throw Star ever since she came to the throne. She drew her sword.

“The Spiders are everywhere, their webs long and sticky. They sent me to remind you, lest you forget.”

“I didn't forget. Especially how easy it is to kill your kind.”

Just as he began to laugh she cut his head from his neck and galloped away once more. She had more important places to be, and he didn't put up a fight. She knew that whoever sent him and done knowing he would never return.


Inside the Dark Castle of the Wizard, day.

Rosie sat in her chambers, in the depths of the castle she was wailing horribly in tears of utter sadness and fear. The Dark One growled in his library and put his hands over his ears to block out her cries. He had taken her to draw her mother and grandmother out for battle. He was bored and one of them was sure to fall victim to his antics and lusts. He wanted nothing to do with Rosie, she was purely a pawn in his tyrannical games. Mostly, he desired for Dawn to come, as he was darkness she was the light and he craved her light. Where her mother was lean and fox like, Dawn was tall and a lady wolf.

When he hunted, He preferred the wolf to the trickster fox.

Now he was stuck with a child that wailed louder than a baby. As ear splitting crying echoed through the castle, he hoped they came soon to take her back. His pride would not allow him to take her himself. He didn't have to wait long. The royal had impeccable timing.

“Wizard! You foul demon!” Star came storming into his library then. The doors bursting open and rattling on their hinges from her strength.

He looked up at her entry. Once they had made wild love to each other in ecstasy. But sometime before he turned his sights to Dawn, Star turned and looked at him as if his actions no longer pleased her. He had the horrible feeling that she saw right through his flirting, taking it as nothing more than a grain of salt in a flesh wound. What had given her this insight he didn't know, he had been an excellent lover, but he knew she was never true to him nor he to her, they never shared that kind of love.

She rushed in and pointed her sword at him. He stared along the silver up to her glowing honey eyes. He sighed.

“Where is she you brute!?”

“Two floors above.” he said.

She frowned at him, and brought her sword down on a book in front of him. He sighed at the lack of need she had to do such a thing. She turned and stormed away. He stood and followed her, seeming to float along the thick carpeting. At least he was able to attract one of them to come retrieve the girl. And while she was at it, he would take her to his bed once more.


Dawn stormed in, dressed in a long black skirt that fell in layers, it swished around her, looking like she flew in on a cloud. Riche stood by the throne, talking to other throne managers and dignitaries. Dawn had never be particularly fond of Star's cousin, Uncle Riche as she called him. But she found him to be a useful ally, and enjoyed his band.

“Why is my mother's horse gone and why is Rosie not in her room?” Dawn never wasted words.

Riche could appreciate that, they were alike in that way. “The Dark One stole Rosie in the night. Star went after them. If I were you-”

She was gone before he could finish. He sighed and shook his head, the women of the family were mental. Completely mad, yet they were in power.


Holy Wood Lands, day.

Dawn rode hard and fast to the Castle. Anger at the Wizard for daring steal her daughter, and jealousy that he might seduce her mother instead of her, rushed through her veins. She did not fear for the child, if Star was already at the castle-which she knew her mother was- there was nothing to fear. Before Dawn, there were two older sisters, stolen from their cribs. Not long after, Dawn was born and when the BOC took Her away, her mother tore down their castle walls to rescue her. Star was like the power between wolf and bears fighting for their cubs.

She was also prone to fucking that awful wizard! Dawn raged when she recalled her and Star fighting over him, her mother had spurned him before her birth. The old bag should back the fuck off. She made her horse go faster as they came closer to the black stone castle.


Dark Castle of the Wizard, day.

Star had Rosie in her arms, petting the girl's long brown curls and comforting her. She led the girl out of the room and down the stairs. The Wizard watching from a Bannister overhead, grinned to himself. Star was fuming. What was he playing at? Kidnapping her for no reason? He usually had a reason for everything, this was odd.

“Leaving so soon?” His voice echoed down to her.

She stopped, and pushed her grandchild forward to the doors. “Go Rosie, my horse awaits you. Get on and ride for home!” She faced the wizard. “Shut up!”

“Finally, send that horrid brat home,” he said and walked down the stairs towards her. “She wouldn't stop that crying for anything.”

“What did you just call her?” Her fists began to glow in a blue static.

“You heard me. She's louder than you,” he was referring to her love noise. “Join me Star, come to my bed. I'll let you both peacefully.” He came up beside her, suddenly holding her close. Her heart fluttered but as was her way, she was stubborn and defiant.

She laughed in his face. “Oh you think it would be that easy did you? Kidnap my grandchild to lure me here and do away with? Not today my tease!” She lifted her palms and recited her spell. “Let they who have lustful hearts be trapped in the castle of their lustful desires! May the need for lust be heavy upon them, not easily broken except by the whiteness of purity!”

From outside, Rosie heard the loud chanting. She didn't know what to do, but when she looked to the road she saw her mother coming. A BRIGHT burst of green magic flared over the castle and the curse Star laid over the place echoed loudly, Dawn heard every word said back as the curse took over.

“You Bitch!” She shouted towards her mother's figure within. “That's MY wizard!”

The wizard looked out the open doors and saw the blurry figure of Dawn through the haze of the spell. He laughed as Star had just done and then let her go. He wasn't sure if Star knew, but with the arrival of her daughter and a curse upon him, his clever mind was far ahead of her's in a mere moment. In an instant he needed someone to lift the curse from the outside, and he knew Dawn would do it. Until then he had to seduce the queen, effectively making her a captive of her own spell, and give Dawn a reason to break her mother's curse. Acting quickly, he moved forward, reaching out for Star.

“Looks like your daughter has come to join us.”

“You insolent beast!” She meant to slap him but thought better of it. “Rot here alone you sick animal. And leave my daughter alone.”

“Your daughter is a wonderful lover. Very giving, very wanting. Dare I say I'm glad she's here, she's near your equal in coupling,. If not your superior.”

Star turned then, her neck hair bristling in silvery strands. “You shut your whore mouth. Do not speak of my daughter's actions to me.”

“Oh I thought you knew, you always do seem jealous of her.” He came close again, and reached out to her hand. He lifted it to his lips and pressed a small kiss to her hand. She may not be fooled by his love puppy ways, but she was receptive to the touch. “Don't be jealous.”

“I am not jealous of my child!” She turned away and he suddenly latched on to her shoulders, pressing a quick, wet, kiss to the nape of her neck. Her body blew up in heat from the inside. She pressed it down and stilled her frantic heart. He knew her weaknesses.

“Why don't you show me?” His voice was low and attractive to her ears.

She nearly gave it but shook him off. “No! Not today!” She began storming to the doors and slammed right into the walls she had created. She pressed her palms to the green magic hovering before her, seeing the figure of Dawn outside, her ranting and raves of anger were muted by the magic cover.

“Dawn!” She screamed. “DAWN! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!”

The magic then echoed her words to her. “Lustful heart.....lustful heart....trapped in the castle...castle...castle.” In a single moment he had stoked just enough passion in her blood to make her victim to her own spell. Her magic so powerful that it took her under its wing in an instant.

She felt it then. The maddening curse she had placed on not only the Wizard, but now herself. Her own curse was used against her and she could feel the lust building in her. He looked at her with hunger filled eyes Wide, mad eyes that were filled to the brim with desire and lust. Her cruse ran rampant on them both and she ran from him, screaming a string of curses as he chased after her. That day they made angry, vengeance sex all over the castle chambers on every floor. She smacked him in the face when he fell asleep after a session of coupling and cursed him with a foul name, before succumbing to sleep beside him.


Holy Wood Castle, night.

Dawn was back at Holy Wood. After faintly hearing her mother scream her name and upon hearing the curse echo, she could only wonder what they did inside. She chose to believe he was torturing Star. It made the jealousy go away. Yes that was it, he was abusing her in a non sexual way that Star couldn't possibly enjoy. Or She was abusing him.... The Princess hated to admit that He alone evoked jealousy between mother and daughter. Dawn sat on the throne with Rosie sitting on the steps below. Suddenly Dawn knew what had to be done, to ensure that no one took Rosie from under her, she gently took her daughter by the arm and led her away. They made haste to the stables again.

“Where are we going mum?” She asked.

“To the Kingdom by the Sea. I think I know the “white purity” that will break the spell. And you're coming with me. I know you hate travel but you're staying right by my side.”

They flew from the stables swift and fleet. Dawn drove the horses to breaking point but with her magic was able to keep them going. They rode into the night and upon the breaking sun of morning, they arrived on the outskirts of the Kingdom by the Sea. She gazed out over the ocean then and took in the salty breeze. She always did love the sea, but now was not a time to enjoy it, she came to see the King.”


The chambers of the Wizard in the Dark Castle, night.

While Star slept she was visited by Zardos. Zardos was her conscious personified. The female esque creature had a slight wolf curve to the lines of her face. Her teeth were fangs, her eyes a bright shining yellow. She had first appeared to Star a year after she fell to earth, coming in dreams. Zardos had been compelled her to awaken in the mind and become who she was now. Zardos was like her demented guardian angel, who always failed at her job. But she hovered over the bed where Star slept next to the Wizard.

“Wake up,” Zardos droned in an exotic brough. “Open your eyes and see me Star Dust of Holy Wood.”

She did as commanded. Zardos was a physical being only Star seemed to see. She had grappled with the creature before, to test the boundaries of reality and came away with wounds from their scuffle. She was real, but only to the Queen.

“There are spiders in the night coming for you. Protect your children, they are the key.” Star had no idea what Zardos was talking about. All that registered was the words Spiders, they were a gang that harassed her and the throne. “Keep your children close, and your enemies, ever closer.”

Star blinked, and Zardos was gone.