Tuesday, January 31, 2017

S1 Chapter 7. Remember, Any Price, part 1

Day, Ao'o Castle. 2020 AC/DC

Star and her girls were on the hidden terrace. Above the balconies and rooms of the castle was a high tower one couldn't reach easily unless one knew the way and the secret to the lock. Jim, Star's husband, the father of Dawn, had shown her this place on their wedding night. She was sure all three of her daughters were conceived here. This is also where she kept the fountain of immortality, the very fountain whose water gave them lasting life, a piece she had acquired from a Pirate Queen during the Rebellion. What a time that was, when bonds and loyalty was tested and a new age had dawned with the birth of her child.

When the Queen looked upon her blood line, what was left of it, she was thankful her Pirate Queen had shared the gift of youth with her. It protected her daughter and helped to lessen the effects of a curse on her grandchild. One day Rosie would become one with her name sake, but the waters of the fountain they sat by protected her, that was all Star wanted. To protect her blood. Everything she had done, all the alliances she had made, was for this moment, to see her grandchild live.
It was also the trump that divided her and Dawn, Dawn who wanted so badly to sit where her father sat. A father who vanished the day after her birth. A man Star hadn't seen or heard from since that day in 1979 CR. Star thought of this often when she had a moment to remember, like now.

From her vantage point, a high raised dais that overlooked the entire kingdom and its boarding lands. Far to the north she could see the Massive, looming Dragoon Mountains, small from this distance. To the east were the Hidden Canyon lands, gold and rich in metal trade. To the North East were the Sabbath Lands, where Magic dwelled, the place where those born with magic went to learn about their inner trade. It was a dark patch in sprawling hills, marsh lands lay in their valleys. To the south were the Golden Hills, fields flourished in their rich soil and the people were generally peaceful.

To the West, and north a ways, lay the BOC City. The Religious center point of the six kingdoms. Once they had more power than even the kings of any kingdom, until the Queen ruled. She didn't follow a religion, but she believed in Gods and demons, and somehow the BOC provided comfort to the people, While the BOC had been harsh with punishments and strict of law, once they were mere missionaries, and still the people relied on them as such. Not wanting to strip her people of everything they held dear, knowing that many still relied on them for worship and and believed in the BOC in times of famine and drought.

She sighed, no matter what she gave them; immortality, an end to poverty, she could not take them away from their religion. Before she came to power, since the dawn of Holy Wood the BOC had been the people's way of life. She could not end them without turning into a tyrant.

To change the silent conversation with herself she turned her attention to the Southwest, to the Kingdom by the Sea. In the creation of the six kingdoms, the one by the sea was the eldest, the King who lived there could tell stories of how two brotherly friends broke apart when the Kingdom was nothing more than a fishing village, thus leading to the birth of Holy Wood and the Kingdom by the Sea.

She straightened up and glanced down at Dawn and Rosie. While Rosie was over twenty years old by normal counts, she was hardly a teenager with all the magic cast on her. She was still so young and Dawn enjoyed holding onto her baby. They were re-enacting scenes from books and Dawn used her slight magic skills to create movable gollums from the mud and grass. The fountain played happily alongside them. The parrots and birds in the swaying palm trees and pine trees around them cawed and screeched and took flight suddenly.

**Gollums, humanoid controllable creations of magic using earthen elements. In this case small, doll like beings who move to the conjurers will made of earth. **

When she looked down at the land she saw a dust cloud moving in from the Southwest, along the coastal trails.

“An envoy from the Kingdom?” She wondered to herself. “He usually sends word by wing.”

Dawn seemed to feel the sudden apprehension in her mother. She looked up and saw the curious way she gazed to the sea. Leaving Rosie with the gollums, she climbed the steep stair way to her mother's position and could quickly make out the dust cloud. An envoy of three or more made that kind of dust.

“What do they want?” Dawn asked.

Star slowly shook her head. “I have not a clue child. I have no debts and no celebrations are in order.”
“They've mostly been solitary for decades. Do you think an attack has happened?”

“No, the army would be mobilized and we would Know something had happened.”

They fell into silence as the bells that announced visitors were rung and echoed louder with each toll.


The Great Hall, Ao'o Castle.

Star sat on the throne with Dawn and Rosie to her right side each on their own respective throne. An assembly of nobles and common folk had come to see who was visiting. Star often invited the people to gather when traveling envoys came to call, she wanted the people to be able to know who came and went from the castle and who their Queen consorted with. Whether or not the matter was a sensitive and private one was to be determined.

For now, four riders came to the great hall, two guards, a scribe and the King's lead adviser, his equivalent to her Richi. Normally, it would be her cousin handling this matter, unless it was more pressing, but she was happy to attend this time. Dawn was the one who watched anxiously, unlike her mother, she had a debt with the King.

The Thrones were not towering high above the visitors, but instead was above eye level by the smallest of fractions. Still, the men had to slightly raise their eyes to gaze upon the Queen with immortal blood. They didn't seem daunted, curious more so.

The adviser spoke first. “My name is Jones, adviser to the Old King by the Sea, his majesty Antony Son of the Sea, the third.”

“I am Queen Star Dust Moorsion of Holy Wood, my daughter Dawn Gloria, and her daughter Rosie Abithia.”

“Oh it is not hard to know you your highness. A pleasure to meet you in person.” He smiled.

Star liked him, he had a kind face, soft brown, short hair, and wore a black and sea green ensemble, the color matched his eyes. He was an Oceanman through and through, a lot like his king. Dawn recognized the scribe, and this Jones man. They were present when she went to the Old King for his White Knight.

“Yes I don't believe we have had the pleasure of an encounter as of yet. It Has been some time since we visited each other's kingdoms.” She said, pleasantly making conversation.

She didn't see Dawn's apprehension and annoyance.

“Twenty years is some time,” he grinned.

Star grinned. Dawn frowned and Rosie watched with innocent eyes.

“Mother,” Dawn said, her tone sharp. “May we please dispense with small chatter? I would like to know his purpose.”

The Queen raised an eyebrow. “If you wish.” She looked back to Sir Jones. “My daughter has patience in battle but not in pleasantries. She is right, your visit is quite sudden. To what do we owe this pleasure?”

“Pleasure may be too early to say my Queen. I will address Princess Dawn's wishes, as it is for she that I come for. Or rather, her daughter.” While he spoke carefully, he knew his words cast a heavy impact.

There was an explosion of chatter and disbelief, and early upset. Dawn lunged to her feet and drew her sword, the guards of the envoy did likewise. Jones raised a hand and his men put their weapons back. Star reached out to lay a hand on her daughters arm, she lowered the sword. Star didn't stop staring at Jones, and he likewise did not break his stare.

“Sit Dawn,” the mother used a tone only her daughter knew. Her child did not sit however, she moved away to stand by her own child, sword being placed away. Star went on, “Please explain Sir.”

The Scribe came forward and unrolled a piece of paper, reading what was written.

 “I came to the Old King searching a favor and I hereby signed this contract to acknowledge the price to be paid. The White Knight is the Guardian of the Kingdom, a sacred part of the Kingdom itself. To ask for His favor is to leave the Sea without the Lead of their army, their champion. For every hour that I take the Knight from the Kingdom he guards, a day shall be needed from me by the Old King. Should I have a first born child, I shall relinquish that child to the Old King's care to be harbored in his castle for the agreed amount of time. Should I not have a child, my presence will be required instead. I understand this payment and exchange and will provide my price all willingly. Should this contract failed to be met legal force with be taken to fulfill the debt owed.

I, Dawn Gloria Moorison, Princess of Holy Wood, daughter of the Lizard king and Star queen, understand and agree to repay the debt I have created. Dated, the fourth month of the year 2020 AC/DC.”

When he was done Star asked them a question. “And the time owed?”

Jones responded. “Our Scribes recorded that the Princess held the Knight for slightly under three and a half days, which we recorded as being Eighty hours.”

“For every hour you said she must pay a day? Well the matter is simple, instead of Rosie, Dawn can serve her term in the Kingdom.” Star concluded.

Jones shook his head. “I am afraid it can't be. Sea law dictates that the child must be seized first and if no child is present the one in debt may serve. This contract is not signed often, and was made to prevent such confusion. Due to the importance of the Knight to our Kingdom this law Must be enforced. Usually, and pardon me, but normally the contract is read thoroughly before it is signed.”

She looked at Dawn then, finally breaking her stare from Jones. “What does that mean?”

“I didn't read it,” Dawn had no shame. “I was too hurried to save my fiance from your IDIOTIC curse, I did not read it. But I said I would pay any price.”

“Any price?!”

“I didn't know the price my OWN CHILD! And if you want her, then try to take her.” Dawn grabbed Rosie and hid her behind her, she branched her sword.

Star quickly got to her feet. “Goodness Dawn really! There is no need for violence,” she looked to Jones, “and there will be none here.” She turned to Dawn. “You signed the contract and said you would pay Any price. You left Rosie to break the curse, and kept the Knight for three days. Only 80 days and she will come back, three and a half months. This you know will happen. You also know she will live a good life away.”

Dawn was furious but composed. “You side with them?”

“You signed with them.”

The air was not tense, but on the verge of it. No guard moved without the order but they were ready, what for they didn't know. Star was the one in control, she held Dawn's eye and spoke gently.

“You know what you did, do not start a legal battle that you will loose.”

“As my mother you should be helping me to fight this.”

“As Queen I have to make sure justice is upheld.”

“This is justice?!”

“This is your doing. She is not far from you and you may see her again.”

“In eighty days you may see her again.” Jones said.

“I can't see her during that time?!” Dawn's anger grew.

“We could not see our Knight, and he is our King's child, in a manner of speaking. The King is a good man, he will not harm your daughter. She will be cared for and as well off with us as shes is with you.” He explained, expressed.

The moment Star saw Dawn's stance lighten she called to Rosie. “Rosie come here please. Its alright, trust me, come with me.”

“You promise nana?” She asked, peeking around her mother.

She didn't like what they were saying, but even she understood what they meant. Even she understood what her mother had done. If her grandmother promised it was safe, then it had to be. With this trust, Star coaxed her from behind her mother and Rosie came to stand next to her nana instead. Dawn didn't move from her spot, she looked away. She began walking the child down the steps, explaining what was to happen.

“You will be living at the Kingdom for eighty days, that is just under three and a half months. You will not be able to see us in that time.”

That is what made Rosie stop and look back to her mother. “What?! I can't do it nana! Please don't make me go. Please!”

Her grandmother gently, yet firmly, kept her by her side. “We love you and it won't be forever, just a few months.” Even Star hated to force the child. “Please don't make this hard my lamb please. Even if we refuse, law would make us obey.”

“But you're Queen! You don't have to follow laws.”

At that Star felt a chill strike the air. There were indeed many who wondered of the queen's antics and how she valued laws. Many things she had done in the past were conflicting. She merely shook it off.

“I must obey another monarchs laws. Long ago, his father aided me and helped me win the Rebellion. I must respect him this way by obeying his laws.”

This stilled Rosie and kept her near her nana enough to listen.

“He would obey my laws if they were enforced on him, and he's a king.”

“Whats the difference?” Rosie asked.

Star had to give out one short, sarcastic laugh. “Nothing. We are both rulers of people. As princess you must also lead them.”

They had reached Jones.

“How do I do that?”

“By showing them responsibility. Jones will take care of you from here my love.” Star said. “Remember, I will see you soon and I LOVE you.” She squeezed her in a hug good bye.

Rosie began crying, “Mama!”

Dawn didn't look at her.


She still didn't. In her grief and intense inner view of rejection, Rosie didn't fight as Jones put a hand on her shoulder and began leading her out. Nothing more needed to be said. Star forced herself to watch the small procession leave, Dawn didn't look. Rosie closed her eyes and forced herself to walk forward. When the envoy and the Princess were gone, Star met Dawn's eyes and the younger woman stormed off. Star ran after her.

She followed Dawn to her chambers, and the door was slammed in her face...Star decided to leave her be.

Seven days later....

Star was in her chambers, planning a journey for her prison island when the bright day suddenly turned red in hue. She looked up and saw the sun cast in shadow. There was only one person she knew who could do such a thing.

In concern she rushed to her daughter's rooms and this time pushed the doors open, they were unlocked. She found the place in disarray, books strewn everywhere, all furniture pushed against the walls and an image of the sun etched into the floor with white chalk. Star looked at her daughter on the opposite of the chamber, the young woman opened a bottle of black wine and opened a rough book of magic origin. Not black magic, but her level of usage. She was not thoroughly magica blooded like her Wizard Fiance', but with the blood of the Lizard in her, a powerful ancient blood of Shamans, she had some control over things. Such as now as she drank from her wine bottle and searched for something.

Star could only stand there “Now Dawn I know you must be upset but you did sign for it.”

“I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it.”

“Why did you keep  him for so long any how?"

"I spent those days healing the Dark One. I returned the Knight when I left."

Her mother made the connection between the symbols on the floor and the eclipse.  "Is the eclipse your doing?" She hated being ignored and was anagered when Dawn didn't look away from her book.  "Will you put it down and look at me?”

“We don't need to talk mother. I understand you had to uphold the law. But justice is relative at this point. As you and the law take my daughter from me, so will I take myself and my power away from you, mother.” She stopped in her book.

She began drawing symbols on the great black stone wall in her room with white chalk. Star began to understand her intent the more she drew, a portal spell. With the right incantation and the slightest of magic, this was a perfect novice spell.

“What are you doing Dawn?” Star asked nervously.

The portal exploded into existence in purple fire.

“I'm leaving mother!” The woman, slighted and angry and embarrassed, shouldered her pack, always ready for quick departure. “I'm going to a place where you will not find me for eighty days.”

“DAWN! DON'T YOU DARE! UNDO THIS RIGHT NOW!" She fell over a tipped chair in her path, landing hard on her hands. She propped up on her elbows to watch Dawn. "Do you have ANY idea what that will do?!”

“I SURE DO!” She shouted as she went through the portal quicker than Star could stop her.

It closed behind her. The roaring sound and fierce wind the magic use had summoned faded and Star was left in a ruined room where pages were flying scattered throughout the room. From the window she could hear the bells toll to indicate that something was horribly wrong......

To be continued....

Sunday, January 29, 2017

S1 Chapter 6, a Light in the Black

Ao'o castle, sunset.

Rosie hid away in her chambers. Safe from the outside world with everything she could ever need or want at her fingertips. Down below her grandmother lurked in the semi darkness with Rosie's Great Uncle Richi, they were fighting again. The princess couldn't help but notice that Star and the people she loved most often fought, for reason the young woman didn't want to know about. Richi was Star's most trusted confidant, Rosie knew that much, but she shied from her Great Uncle. His black eyes and solemn ways made her love him from a distance.


“God dammit Richi! Why? Why now must you go?”

“I told you Star, I have to leave. I have my band of men ready and I must tour to the Dragoon Mountian lands. They are in need of an economic boom, and touring attracts people, business.”

“We can do that with the Silver Knights!”

“That's your dream cousin.”

“One you started with me you fool!”

“Silver Knights is Your creation, not mine.”

“But you are apart of it! Just give me a month and we can travel with the Knights, I promise.”

“But MY band is ready for travel Now. We've had fun with the Knights but Light in the Black must act as ambassador to those outside the Holy Wood, where they live in poverty.”

“No one in my land is poverty stricken.”

“The Dragoon Mountains are not part of your lands. Their royal family is defunct and they are falling into chaos. As ambassador to the six kingdoms, I must go aid them. It's what you appointed me for!”

Star threw a ceramic vase across the room in a tantrum. “I know dammit! But please Richi, please! Don't go you son of a bitch!”

“Get a hold of yourself Woman! What is wrong with you!?”

Star took a deep breath in. “I'm fine, I am I am. I've been having those nightmares again, of the red sands. That's all.”

Richi knew of her reoccurring nightmare. When they were young she told him of a place she visited in sleep. She sees herself walking across a hot desert of red sands. The heat waves distort the dry plains around her and she chases someone across the way. But no matter how far or how fast she ran, she never caught them before she falls into a hole in the ground into darkness and she awakes. These dreams, or nightmares, terrified her and plagued her when something monumental was approaching.

She tried to appear calm and buy time from Richi's departure. She sat on a divan and reclined leisurely. Richi could see the spark in her eyes, it made him prolong leaving.

“Why didn't you tell me the Dragoons were in trouble?”

“News travels slowly these days. The roads are heavy with highwaymen and Spyders.” He explained. “The king was old and had three sons. Out of these three, two remained alive to see adulthood, and between these two, only one had a final son. But the boy was rebellious and ran off some time ago.”

As he spoke, a figure lingered in the darkness of the parlor doors. A figure with three gash marks on each cheek, with glowing yellow wolf eyes and a narrow face. Pointed fangs were teeth should have been. A figure only Star could see. Her stomach went hallow and she felt sick.

“The Old king died and his two remaining sons fell into dispute and war and killed each other. Now that run away boy would be a man and since he hasn't been found, I will go placate peace in his stead. My group and I shall restore the peace. You and your Knights need not fret.”

She sprung up in a jittery way. “Then We shall go with you! Just give us a month, by then my trial will officially be over and I can travel. . .”

“I can't Star! The Dragoon villages need help and by the time I reach them, you will just then be preparing to leave. I'm sorry this news didn't reach us in time to prepare you but my men and I Are ready to leave tonight and we are going to do so. You are needed here, this is work for Ambassadors, and frankly, as your advisory I advise you to stay in the castle.”

Star glanced at the figure she had seen....the female figure was gone but there was an echoing laugh in her head, a low growling laugh that taunted her. She felt a sudden sting in her head, just above her left eye. To stem the pain she smashed a palm to the spot but it did nothing to help. A growl of frustration came from her sweet lips and she fell back into her pain induced tantrum, throwing another vase across the room.

“We are leaving in three hours, and we will return in three months. You will be fine I prom-”

He had to jump aside as she yelled in rage and flung a chair across the room. He left without another word, storming out of the parlor. She fell back to the divan, clutching her head and tugging her hair. The moment Richi slammed the front doors shut behind him, the pain stopped and Star panted for breath. She opened her eyes and slid to the floor, and beheld the culprit behind her torment.....Zardos. The werewolf of her imagination...or she believed.

“Fuck yyou,” she stuttered breathlessly.

“Me knew you would be happy to see us again,” Zardos said. Her voice was languid and like rich black wine. “Aaaaw, come now precious. No need for anger at us.”

“You make me look insane! Do you realize that!?” Star turned away from the creature.

But the creature moved through the light and appeared beside the Queen. She was reclining on the divan, her hands covered in red blood, she was sucking it from each finger tip. The same blood even drenched her jaw and stained her teeth red. The Queen was horrified and gagged before moving away to lean against the table.

“Doo we? Or do you?” She laughed and bared her red smile.

Star stared at her, and the body that lay next to her. Some unfortunate human man, his chest ripped open by this werewolf before her.

“Why do you torment me?” Star begged to ask and closed her eyes, turning away.

“Doo we?” Zardos asked again.

When the woman looked back she saw both Zardos and dead man were gone.

“You do Zardos.” Star whispered. “Every time the dream comes heavy you torment me!” She sat down at the table and put a hand in her palm. When she looked up through her hair there was Zardos eating the dead man with her claws for fork and knife. The queen gasped and fell back in her chair.

Zardos began laughing, spraying blood from her full mouth like a heathen spitting across the table. She banged her fists against the wood. Star still couldn't decide what was real or not as she watched blood drip down the table edges, into Zardos's lap.

She lay on the floor and covered her eyes with her hands. She shook her head and refused to look. Zardos growled contently.

“We are with you to remind you. You have places unseen to see and bastards unborn to raise.” She broke a rib and sucked loudly on the marrow. “To be reminded of the madness that wells within, while you try to hide it away. When you found the Kilmister after the War, you knew what your dreams mean. You still do and yet you fight it.”

“Because it is impossible!” She got to her feet and remained facing away from the sickening sight of death. “You are just a figment of my imagination! You are not real! That is not real! You Are a killer!”

“Are you sure You did not kill him?”

Suddenly she opened her eyes and saw the blood on her own hands, the dead body laying at her feet. She screamed and jumped back, wiping the blood off her hands but it didn't seem to help.

“You murderer you killer! Get out of my head!”

“Hush now Queen, lest your men come running and find this here. Hard press to explain how this happens we think.”

Star clapped a hand over her mouth and shut the doors. She worked hard to rub he blood off but nothing helped. Not until Zardos sat in a chair did it all go away.

“You see sands no earthling has seen in hundreds of years because you know you came froom there.”

“No, no that's impossible.”

“Then why do you dream it? Why do you not recall your youth?” Zardos tapped on the table with her claws.

“Who knows, I never questioned it. Obviously, it wasn't a good place because for whatever reason I left.”

“Kilmister is not from Earth, why did he come here? From where does he come? Where do we come from?”

“You come from my head. Now stop trying to make me question everything.”

“We live in your head, but we were not born there. We were sent to you, to accompany you.”

“And just what are you?” She asked sarcastically. “Who sent you?” She had asked these questions over and over when she was young and she always believed this to be a farce just in her head. The older she got, the easier it was for her to accept and live with. But it always did make people think she was somewhat mad.

“As we say before...”

“The red sands in my dreams sent you, you've always said this. Made no sense when you first told me, and it still makes no sense.” Star refused to look at the other woman sitting down at the table still.

“It will. If you believe the witch who foretold your bastard king, then you will realize we told you truth as well. You threw Kilmister in Chatue D'if, swallow the pride that keeps you away from that place where you once were also imprisoned. If you want to understand the answer we give you, you know what you must do.”

“You must be a demon who plagues me, demons never speak clearly...It doesn't help WHEN YOU ONLY SPEAK IN RIDDLES YOU SONOFABITCH!”

The doors to the parlor opened and Star spun round on her heel to face none other than Richi....he had returned for his hat, which was left in his hurry on the liquor table. She went to work smoothing her hair and trying to right the room. He had caught the last of her rant and while she heard the echoing chuckle of Zardos fade away, Richi didn't say a word as he grabbed his hat and left. Just as he left again, Dawn entered, a bottle of champagne in her hand.

“What were you two yelling about down here?” She asked.

Star sighed and felt her shoulders droop. “Nothing we haven't before.”

She grabbed a dark violet cloak off the wall hook and rushed passed her daughter out into the cold night air. She quickly saddled her horse, Dawn didn't come after her, she didn't care about her mother and uncles fights very much. With no one to stop her, the Queen rode hard for the village, to the Sun Street, the main bustle of activity. As she went along, the greeting of her people fell on distracted ears.

As she entered the Rainbow Taighen, (taighen is Holy Woodish for tavern), her mind whirled with the conversation between her and Zardos. It usually went the same way. Star dreamed of the red sands, and Zardos would pop up to make her question her sanity and everything she understood about her past. Then Zardos would tell Star that she was born in the red sands and would one day return when she was ready. When she found the way. At first, Zardos had frightened her, and she chose to ignore the werecreature. But over time, she grew accustomed to the strange female-esque being and tolerated her comings and goings. Though, all these years later, Star wasn't so sure that Zardos was just a figment of imagination. She seemed real and more powerful than before, as if she grew in power along with Star Dust.

This demonic female was also always in favor of Kilmister, the Spyder spy Star captured in a raid before she won the BOC Rebellion. He had seemingly attempted to kill her, but due to a sloppy mistake in stealth tactics, she caught him just in time to save herself. Instantly she knew that the man was not from earth. She just knew, something in his eyes. Due to her curiosity she threw him in the prison she sent war criminals too. A Prison she had to break out of long ago Before the Rebellion, where many of her freedom seeking friends had been sent to when the BOC was in full power.

Yes Zardos often reminded her of Kilmister, said that the man had answers for the Queen's questions...but Star couldn't just pull him into her castle and start questioning him about Herself. It would give the BOC fuel for another rebellion, all she needed was for them to know anything about her she didn't know herself. So why let Kilmister live? By the time Zardos told her that he knew things she didn't, he had been there for so long Star knew he would never say what he knew. WHATEVER THE GODS BE DAMNED KNEW. Without raising suspicion by the BOC who watched her every move, she couldn't bring Him to her, She had to go to Him.....in the Chatue....

Star was sucking down rum shots like water while she thought about Kilmister and Zardos, how they were connected, all the while enjoying the soulful voice of a man onstage. He was short but packed a powerful sound. His long curly brown hair, and medievally handsome face. Gods she was attracted to him. There was something kindred in his presence, like he was of royal or noble blood yet she had never seen his face before.

Drowning her feelings in rum, she knew that Zardos was right. If she wanted any sort of answers she had to return to the island prison where Kilmister was. No BOC member dared go there, and the guards were all silent gollums with no voices and no memories, if there was a spy she would know.

When the man came off stage he went to the bar and was given a mug which he drank from deeply. Star watched him move and when he set his ale down he turned to look at her in return. His smile approved of what he saw.

“You can be no other woman except the Queen.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

His eyes roved over her gold coronet. Her dark silver tunic was long sleeved and tight at the wrists, billowing in the forearms. She tucked it into her black velvet trousers and her simple slippers were not fit for riding but she had left in a hurry. Wanting to be among people and drink with entertainment to distract her worried thoughts.

She too raked his appearance, taking it all in as she could. He was shorter than her but that didn't matter, his eyes held her attention, his smile. He wore all white, contrasting with her dark colors of night. The fringe on his sleeves were silky and swayed with each move of his body. She liked him.

“You have me at a disadvantage. Pray tell what is your name my Lord?” She smiled coyly and sipped on her rum.

“I am a wandering Knight, Sir Dio Padvia.” He bowed and when he arose he met her glittering eyes.

She liked him. He stood with power but was gentle to those around him. They spoke lightly, after all, what does a man say to a queen in a bar? She took on most of the talking for him, asking where he hailed from, where he was going, was this his group of musicians he performed with? To which he answered that he had grown up a traveler, and was going wherever the wind blew next, he never really cared where it took him. Yet no, this band was not his own, he was filling in the spot of singer as a favor to a friend he knew.

He went back on stage and they performed harrowing songs of knights and ladies, adventure and fate. During the night, a small band of men entered and sat in the darkened corners of the taighen. They wore black cloaks and went unnoticed by most. They watched the royal woman at the bar, unprotected, unarmed, and drinking heavily. During these times of apparent peace she was want to travel without weapons, but usually a man of the castle was around her. For the first time since 1970 CR, she was perfectly unarmed and unprotected. When the whispers of her arrival traveled through the streets, they came and waited.

Unbeknownst to them, the man singing on stage could sense when ill intent was present. His heightened senses could smell their deception, could feel their anger and rage. But he didn't know who they wanted.

Star was no more aware. Finally the end of the night came and people surged to dance one last song and have one last drink and bid the night adieu. In the confusion, the Queen forced her way out into the cool night air, out of the stuffy taighen. From her pocket came a cigarette case and inside were joints all lined up in a row. She took one out and struck a match to light it. No one else was outside, they had all moved inside to prepare for closing, she was alone and didn't realize it. Not until the men began coming out of the shadows did she understand, she grabbed for a sword or dagger but there was none. There was no one to hear her as the music raged loudly from inside. She looked at the three across from her, they stared back.

The biggest one withdrew a dagger from his belt and held it branched out before him. They were quiet and that made her nervous. She spun around and began running away down the alley, there was no other way to go, they had drifted between her and the bar. The music from inside receded and she turned to sprint between two other buildings, but found the way blocked. By some demonic miracle it was blocked by mountains of crates and a cart full of alcohol, hay and other things she didn't have a moment to recognize.

She suddenly realized what she had done to herself and turned to face her oncoming attackers. At least she would fight to the death, as was her way. They came to the mouth of the alley and lined up in a row. They began walking, and then they moved quicker to run towards her.

“COME ON!” She shouted.

But they didn't. Instead, they all fell before they had time to reach her. Each had a small knife sprouting from his back. They were immobilized but she could see the faint life linger in their eyes at her feet. They were alive, barely. She looked up and saw a man across from her, he was panting for breath at having to run after them, he held two more throwing daggers in his hand and he smiled when they met eyes. It was Dio Padvia.

“Come on,” he said to her. She hurried away from them, but not before stooping to grab the exposed dagger as she went, the dagger of the would be attacker.

Dio led her back to the stoop of the Rainbow Taighen. They only stopped once in sight of the place.
He let go of her hand, which he had been holding, and she turned to face him in the light.

He was as she had left him on stage, a little out of breath after chasing them.

“How did you know?” She had to ask as they began to move again at his urging. He was taking her to her horse.

“I have heightened senses of danger. It happens when you travel alone. I saw they gone as the song ended, following you. I wasn't far behind.”

“I never travel without a guard. The spiders are more aware than I thought,” she looked at the dagger she took from them. It had the eight legged emblem on the hilt, a red spider. “Thank you Sir Padvia.” She curtsied to him.

He smiled and bowed his head. “I could not let them harm not only the queen, but a lovely woman. It wouldn't be right.”

“You are a good man,” she said after mounting her horse. “I hope we meet again. Perhaps there is a place for you among the people of my castle.”

“Oh I was never one for such services. Though that is a gracious thing for the Queen to offer.” He was leading her horse to the road, sending her home to be safe before anything else came along in the night.

“It wouldn't be hard for you my lord,” she grinned. “Are you knighted?”

He chuckled. “You might say that.” Gracefully, he took her hand and kissed it once again. “I leave tonight for my next venture. This is where we part ways.”

“Must we? Oh don't answer that,” she said quickly. “Our encounter was too unusual for us to never meet again. Should you come back to Holy Wood, come to Ao'o castle. Tell them the Queen sent for you.”

“Well tonight you may tell them that I sent You. Good night fair Queen.” He slapped her horse and it took off into the night.

She didn't stop it, and she leaned into the saddle to help it along. Yes there was no doubt in her mind that she would meet Sir Dio again. Such a short, strange encounter, when she arrived at the castle and went to her rooms, she could hardly believe that the encounter was real. But one look at the dagger in her hand and she knew it was all too real indeed. Three men had tried to dispatch her that night and a mysterious knight had saved her. It was all a drunken blur but she was satisfied and after checking in on her slumbering Rosie grandchild, she too went to go find peace in sleep. Zardos watched her go and her low laugh echoed across the floors behind her.