Saturday, December 16, 2017

S2 Chapter 4 Welcome to the Rainbow

Ao'o, 2026 AC/DC, day. . . . . . .

 Another bright and sunny day. Warm weather, a slight breeze. Star was on her terrace watering her herbal garden. The buds were thick and dark green, smelling heavy with earth. They were sticky to the touch, large in her fingers, nearly ready to be picked and left to dry. She went to the small gardening table next to her plants and picked up an already dried bud from a small gold tray and proceeded to roll a joint. She picked up a match, struck it and lit the joint.

She inhaled deeply and felt the smoke fill her lungs in the morning rays. For weeks there had been nothing but peace in the castle. Dawn had recovered and spent her time with her child. Star had been left in isolation these past few days, of her own choice mostly. She wanted a little peace and quiet, especially after finding her spy dead. Two days and a night after sending him his body was found with ears, eyes and tongue ripped out.

It had unnerved the Queen, as well as those closest to her. Speaking of which, Richi was out doing his job, ruling the estate managers and kingdom correspondents. He liked that part of their duality most, while she was the face of the throne, he knew everything that ran it.

She had much to think of, to be thankful for, to wonder about. Richi was her ever faithful companion and she cared for him deeply. Sometimes she wished wished she could marry him, but to do so would remove her from power. She clenched her fist and it felt so empty.

“Your highness!” A guard had run in. “Look to the north!”

She did and it was then that she noticed the pillar of smoke. That was the direction of the Sabbath Lands. She sighed, they were in a state of civil war right now. While she had established peace among her own lands, the hill clans and tribes of the north east were often at war with one another. Nothing but land disputes between people who were one step below the Geordieman tribes and one step above being completely pagan. All of them out of reach of her political power, but not that of her friend.

As the guard rambled on about how no news was yet forthcoming she decided to entertain herself and ride out to assist, she had an investment in the Sabbath Lands after all. She nearly Had to guarantee the safety of the land. Most people knew she had close bonds to the Mage Geez, who grew the plants she tended to now. His herbal supply spread far and wide, the medicine to cure any aliment. As his friend she took it upon herself to personally ride out and lend help.

She walked past her guard and to the stables. Before Anyone could object she was riding hard for the Sabbath lands with a small militia in tow. Richi, watching her leave yet again with a scowl on his perfect face, could at least be happy about that last bit. As he turned inside from the front steps of the castle he was met with a barrage of unanswered questions by the Managers. When would she be back? She must see to this, she must see to that. Richi sometimes wondered who the true ruler was, himself or his cousin.

Star rode hard, and what was normal a comfortable five day journey she did in two. Along the way she found taverns with ready horses for her to ride and once off a tired steed she simply hoped on another. This way she rode longer and farther and within two and a half days, arrived. The fire had not been quenched yet, as was normal for this type of land. In this outer most lands of the Sabbath kingdom, they were plains and hills that rolled far in all directions. Usually these plains were used to grow crops of all kinds, their more active villages and kingdoms lay to farther north to the marshes.

Sometimes, these fires were allowed to burn to days at a time to help clear dead brush for a new harvest. No doubt the fire had been struck by man, but was a thing of help in the midst of chaos. When she came up to the fire she saw tribesmen battling it out in a small scrimmage, Geez's people however were more concerned with the inferno. She held her men back from the battle, instead opting to help douse the flames of the fire line near Geez's property. She hadn't been this way since she last spoke to him and she found him easily as he helped to lead the fight against the flames.

She over watched from a hill that over looked the massive valley, there was no use getting involved with nothing to do. She likened being useless in such a situation as being a beheaded chicken. There was no need for her to get involved as her men did it instead. They had even asked her to stay back, they being more useful in this matter than she was. Geez rode up to her side to watch as she did. He had a smudge of soot across one cheek but seemed fine otherwise.

“Nasty fire!” She shouted, gazing upon his frizzy curly hair or the mustache that perfect rested on his face.

He nodded. “Nothing I feel threatened by. Better than ye olde dragon fire any day. Thank you for coming all the same!”

She smiled. “Of course my friend!”

Into the day the fire was fought, Star shed sweat even from a distance. Yet as the Mage had said there was no real danger, the fire was catching mostly brush and his men had quickly dug a trench that separated the barns from the flames with the others fought their battles on the other side of it. Well into the night they battled and the next day it was put to rest like the land dispute that caused it. Geez and Star had called a meeting between warring leaders and an arrangement of their own device was made.

“At least for now the dispute is settled,” Geez said when they turned away from the meeting in a glen.

She nodded. “Is there nothing to be done to bring them into the fold of modern civilization?”

“They refuse. They see us as the pagans.”

She laughed. He led her into the woods, away from the prying eye. She followed without hesitation. Into the sunset they rode and into the night, to the more rocky areas of the east. By the time the moon came to rest just above the horizon they stopped before a large rocky pass. The sides of the pass rose up into the sky on either side of them. Geez led the way without a word and she followed in complete trust.

“If only Richi knew I was alone Again. He would be furious.”

“Forgive me for asking, but why not marry him? He controls your affairs when you leave. He cares for your well being. He worries and is angered by you being alone. Sounds to me like you two are already married.”

“We can never marry. I was not born royal, I am the mother of royals and if I married another man besides a prince or king, I will lose my crown.”

“Ah I see. With your husband vanished your motherhood is all.”

“I claim Jim is still alive,” she whispered. He could see her eyes flash in the moonlight as she looked upwards. “His body was never found. No one can prove, besides his absence, that he ever died. To remarry would effectively dethrone me.”

“And your cousin?”

“Richi is my family and closest friend, he started the rebellion against the BOC to free me, he understands me. He knows me very well, better than anyone.” She recalled a moonlight tryst they shared long ago. . . .when she was just a young one.

“You seem very guarded over bloodlines your highness. I notice such things. You refuse to remarry to remain the queen to a king long since gone.”

“The line of rulers is an event that I have to guard the integrity of. The BOC must never gain power like they did before, never again. Should they stand next to the throne all freedom is lost. They nearly had it too, until I became Queen.” She was silent for a heart beat as flashes of memory swept behind her eyes. “The wrong or right ruler will decide the fate of thousands, upon thousands of people. The BOC must never gain the crown.”

“One day we might see the destruction of them entirely.”

“I can only hope. As much as I wish to, the people still rely on them. To destroy something as ancient as the BOC could be devastating so I cursed us both with immortality. If they must thrive so would I. Until then, I leave it to the citizens to decide when they want to abolish it. I hope some day they find a reason.”

“Or you find a replacement solution. And Richi you trust to be your stand in?”

She nodded. “He I trust to never fall victim to any priest.” She shook her head, at both her antics of ruling and his of taking up her slack. “He is my cousin and closest friend. I love him dearly.” After a beat of silence she spoke again, trying to move on from subjects she tried to avoid like love and marriage and men. “What is it you brought me this way to see Geez? What lays in the darkness here?”

“Something you have been seeking.”

She felt her heart leap into her throat and she fell silent as they approached a large building in the middle of a rocky gorge. It stood alone and only one horse wandered the sparsely grassed over area. They dismounted, wen to the porch and Geez opened the door. Inside was a wonderful world of candle and lamp lights and tools and gears. Large things covered with dirty white linen sheets, crates opened and some closed.

“What is this place?” She asked, though in her heart she knew.

“This is where the last stand was made.” A voice rang out from high above.

A large sheet was dropped and a massive structure that Star could only call a canon was revealed. She looked up and saw a man above tinkering with something here, tightening something there. It was the Kilmister by the scent of his cigarette. Most of these crates were things she had paid for. She knew where she was.

“Welcome to the Rainbow.” Geez said next to her, admiring the work done to it. “The last stand of Spyders from Mars against the People of Earth. It was here that the Earth King trapped a horde of Spyders and forced them to watch as he destroyed their only way home after defeating them in battle. He took them prisoner for decades before they were mysteriously released and scattered to the winds of the lands.”

“Mysteriously?” She asked skeptically.

“So they say,” Kilmister said from above. He put down his tools and stepped onto a platform that he started lowering with a turn lever. When he was on the ground he approached Star, wiping his hands free of grease. “They begged 'im to let 'em and their children return to Mars. Begged the king but he refused 'em.”

“I was not there, I cannot speak for that King.” She sniffed and said haughtily.

“Of course you weren't. You were still asleep on Mars.”

“Asleep?” Her eyebrows creased together as she tried to understand. “How so? As in unborn?”

Geez went off to inspect the Rainbow Bridge, a device that had been destroyed for centuries.

Kilmister paused and sighed, trying to think of how to explain it. “On Mars there has had three races of people. The Humans who lived there and the race of aliens they rescued from a dying planet. These other-worlders were called Starriders, they were an ancient race who mastered immortality without the aid of water. Once rescued and take to Human colonies on Mars, the younger generations fell in league with the humans and interbred against the wishes of the elders. Their offspring eventually became its own race, Spyders.”

Star had never known this. No one on earth except the man telling her knew. Mars history had long since been lost to earthlings.

“Where does that leave you and me?” She asked, watching every move he made as he took out a lighter to light the joint she had on her lips.

“My great great.....great....grandmother was a true hybrid, what came after her are Spyders. Her father was a 'Rider, one of the younger nobles who chose mortality." He took a puff on his cig. "When Mars broke out in civil war, he married a Spyder woman for peace. But unless you was one of the immortal StarRiders, hybrid blood faded into Spyder blood. These elder Riders were neither born nor ever dead.”

Even Geez had to eavesdrop. Star eyed Kilmister nervously as he went about, tugging cables and tightening bolts. She inhaled, held her breath, then exhaled.

“You are something that was supposed to be laid to rest forever and never awaken.” He stepped back and looked at his handy work. “Do you like children?”

“Of course I do, I have children.”

“On Mars, when I left, the rulers cursed the planet to remain still in time until you returned. As far as I know, not a single babe 'as been born on Mars since.”

She had no idea it was even possible. “When do I to return to the red planet?”

“Nearly ready here. I'll call you to my side when its ready.”

“That's it?” She asked. “That's all you wanted to tell me? That's all you have to say to me here and now?”

“Yep, that's it.”

“You can't just stop in the middle of a story and not reveal the whole truth!”

“I can and I did. Now go home Star Queen.” He had hardly so much as looked at her and knew it infuriated her. His ultimate goal was to drive her away from this thing she made him do.

Geez watched silently as Star fumed with frustration, he too was wary of what she wanted to do. She had to have faith in Kilmister, yet she was opening a dangerous door. Before leaving she stopped at the doorway and turned back.

“How do I know you aren't just lying to me? How do I know you won't lead an invasion once the bridge is opened?”

“If that was my plan, I wouldn't be asking ya for help.”

She clenched her teeth together, nodded and then tuned in a huff. Geez followed her.

"Star!" He came up beside her she mounted her horse.

She stared down at him with a placid face.

"Are you sure you want to do it? Leave this world?"

"I must. . . ."

"But why? You have been Queen for decades. What can help you on Mars? What if you ARE earthling?"

"There are questions left unanswered, time lost and forgotten. Demons that haunt me. Mars calls to me and I must go. " She saw Zardos lurking on the porch, unseen by anyone but Star. "Not long before I was adopted, stars fell from the sky and I woke up in a pit of fire. I am what fell that night. Why?" She looked up and then turned her horse and rode off into the night.

Geez had become friends with Kilmister. Not even he knew much more than Star did, hearing of her earliest memory was a surprise. Her heart pounded as furiously as she forced her horse to ride. Always! Always such a lack of information! Damn be the men who crossed the Queen of Stars! She screamed and thundered hard away from the gorge of the Rainbow Bridge. What she wanted was in her grasp but would she grab it when it came? She didn't even know. That is what angered her most.

She stopped suddenly in the path after an hour's ride. She could not return to Ao'o, not when the bridge was nearly done.

“I cannot return.” She dismounted, talking to herself. “The bridge is almost done, no I cannot go home just yet.” She stopped and looked behind her, the gorge was a distant smudge on the horizon.

Her horse was breathing hard so she let go of the reigns and let him wander to the small stream in hearing distance. She followed her beast through the glen and through the short trees under the moon. The smoke in the distance from the fire of the Sabbath marshes was diminishing every moment. The creature found water and by the brook were berry bushes and small mushrooms. Star was hungry and far from the nearest village, far from civilization.

She sat down with her back to a tree, sighing into the night about her life. The mushrooms were pale in the moonlight and it didn't even cross her mind whether or not the things she found in the night were safely edible, but she ate them anyway. Mushrooms, berries, handfuls of water. She didn't even have a canteen with her.

Into the night the moon rose higher and not long after eating, Star felt a pulse in her eyes. She took off her coat, then her boots. When she sat back again the moon was a larger, flatter disc in the sky. It suddenly began reaching for her and her jaw dropped as the moon looked like it was melting in reverse, towards her, dripping its craters across the black grass. Its light was flat, she was frozen and it crept upon her like a man in heat.

She couldn't even scream as it opened into an endless white hole and she felt herself being sucked in. She grabbed for the grass between her fingers, trying to hold back and succeeded in managing to crawl forward on her belly. Away from the hungry moon.

She got to her feet and was running! Running from the moon as it clawed it way after her! She couldn't scream, there was no sound. She tripped and landed hard on her front! When she turned she wasn't even in the glen anymore. She was on the ridge around Blackmoore hills.....where she and Richi had consummated their lingering stares brimming with teenage lust.

…..when she first came to stay with the Blackmoores of Holy Wood, they put her at age fifteen, she was a strong and capable nineteen now. Out of the three Blackmoore brothers, the first had many sons. The second had one son and the third had a daughter, Star. She had no real future of duty, unless she married into royalty she would remain a noble lady forever. She had no woes then. . . . . .

Star was watching everything as if it were a dream. She watched herself in that time on this day. For some reason she had fallen into the memory of her and Richi's night together.

Still learning the ways of the people, she was educated enough to her age level and knew the Book of Law like no one else better. She attended a girls academy, and her parents took it upon themselves to make sure she knew how to run a household and run servants. She had been gifted a life of nobility, but she was to take the role like she was born to it.

The King was young, and would soon seek a wife in the years to come. They were holding out for her to wed into the throne. She was an adamant virgin. But she herself was also curious. Having been shied away from men, she wondered about them. She read many things in the libraries and sexual conduct was some of them.

Richi was a handsome lad just three years older than her. Her cousin, her father's brother's only son. He was a quiet young man, unwed at age twenty two. Typical Blackmoore look with long black hair, dark eyes, and a solemn gaze. He was always with his guitar, he was a quick hand and deviant ladies man. He was sitting on the porch one summer's day, when the procession came up the drive. Horses, pack mules and travel vehicles were coming. His mother and father had beat them to it; the family summer retreat. 

 It was a humid summer when they arrive, her hair was arranged simply, a thick braid to the side, a pin with the family crest insignia on it in the twists. The crest was an ornate B on a deep purple background.

She was riding on a grey and white speckled stallion, prancing up the drive like she half owned the place. She wore black boots up to her knees, black riding pants and an off white shirt that she seemed to have just buttoned on the verge of indecent. She seemed to have changed since she was first presented to the public. She had been a tad more conservative then, a tad more modest.

She wore her customary riding glasses, round and yellow to adjust to the long sun exposure. On her head was a now worn black leather hat. Her hat had dark purple plumage sprouting from on side. She was pure Blackmoore there. Richi knew she would be his then.

He himself was dressed in his usual all black. An airy tunic of black woven silk, white stars along the buttons. His pants were likewise, long and as is customary for the Blackmoore family, were a thin black velvet. His shoes were canvas sewn, traditional black. He was a black blood, through and through and wore it with pride.

Star watched as they conversed, shared a stolen kiss in the stables and how She had stalked him with her eyes the entire visit. She wanted him to want her, back then, there had been no other men in her life.

It was sunset when Richi was back on his porch, strumming. The three brothers were here, and their wives and children. The Blackmoores were all there and their elder cousins held the center of attention. Star and Ritchie were the odd ones out, his father was second in line of succession, Star's was third. They didn't have the most responsibility and were fine with that.

Star walked out of the house is a traditional Blackmoore women's garb for this type of setting and event, a dress of black lace. An off shoulder neckline in lace, long-sleeved in lace, a slim silk gown underneath contoured to her every curve to just below her thighs. She looked elegant, and when she passed, he saw that the back was cut out in a diamond shape. Her creamy skin beckoned him. Her hair was half pinned up with silver and amethyst tipped pins.

She was leading him, he was willing. She took him tot he tree nestled atop a hill. It looked over valleys and the servants always placed thick rugs under it for the family members and off duty servants to sit and lounge. Of course, to those more perverse it was a place for the curious.

When he found her she was standing next to the tree, staring off into the silver valley below. She had removed the silk under dress and was only in ruffled black lace. He went up behind her and began to undo the clasp to the heavy choker her parents put on her. It was symbolic, she caged by them. He took off the heavy silver collar, in the shape of a constellation, amethysts to match her hair pins. He let it drop to the ground. He took the hair pins out, and put them in his pocket. He reached around her to grab her shoulders and hold her against him. The feel of her bare this close to him.

He turned her round and kissed her. It was deep and possessive. He tilted her head back and trailed kisses down her temple, her jaw line, her neck. A breeze blew through and it made her skin prick, her nipple hardened against the bare chest peeking out of his tunic.

While they kissed she took the tunic away from him. He eased her back to sit on the rug with him, he laid her back and hovered in close to her, smothering her with his kiss, his hand playing with her rosebud nipples. Her dress hiked up on her legs, she rubbed her smooth thighs against him, it made his spine shiver. She was aching for him, and nervous at the thought of an intrusion.

Star watched herself make love to the man she was told was her cousin.

His hips pressed against her womanhood and she felt him then, a hard member straining against his thin velvet trousers. All that separated them was lace and velvet. He undid his trousers and worked them off with ease. He had her sit in his lap, facing him at first. His hands were everywhere, her neckline was low and his hands grabbed her breasts, squeezing, holding. His mouth went to her hard peaks and he sucked.

Suddenly it ended and there was her husband, laughing, walking through her vision. Alive. He came up to her in the glen and she realized she was back in the real world, tripping on mushrooms. He held his hand for her and pulled her up, she glanced down and found her shirt was missing by her own hand. He took her by the hand and led her back to the river, as he had long ago. . . .

In a moment the moon was back in the sky and was reflecting off the rippling water. She had loved him yes, but he was gone often and she was left to the mercy of the BOC those many times until he never came back. She began to untie her trousers as the moonlight in the water reflected off her face. She stepped out of and away from the rest of her clothing, now naked in the moonlight. She went forward and the water was cold as it touched her bare toes, it gratefully accommodated her body with each step she went into the river.

The water wrapped around her like a silky, barely there blanket and she spread her arms as she swam into it. The sound of the brook filled her ears and when she looked back to find Jim, he was gone. . . . But there was someone else there and she abruptly stood up in the water. Her nipples hardened and the water desperately rolled off of her skin like clothing falling to the ground.

He was there, in his worn jeans and without shoes or shirt. Three men had visited her in her nightly drugged escapade, three men who all had had an impact on her life. Three who have liberated her, sheltered her, fought for her, loved her. All three were men she had returned the feelings for. But the one who stood there now was the one she wanted most. Yet, in the blink of an eye he vanished with a smile.

Leaning on a tree was her tormented reflection. It was Zardos. Star stared at her with unseeing eyes and tiled her head. She had no idea why the men who had been showed her were chosen, or what they meant. 

“What does it mean?” She called to Zardos, her mental projection. “Why do you all appear to me? Torment me?” She shivered in a small breeze that slithered across her nude body. 

Zardos watched like a wolf on its prey. Watching each ripple in the water. "One to never fail you. One to give you power. One to make you desperate."

 She listened to the twisted being and as her head filled with colors and thoughts of many shades and reasons she sank back into the water for her night time swim. Three men, past present and dead....or was it future? Richi was her most trusted ally, Jim her only husband, Bon her only love. But there was one more man, one more man who waited on the red speck in the sky she looked up to. The one who invaded her dreams, who she didn't know.

“Where men once ruled and ruined before you, may men rule a better world after you.” She told the sky, repeating what a witch haunted her by. “No daughters shall rule what is rightfully theirs, lest blood be their domain. Where once sons were absent, let them come forth to right the imbalance of their fathers, to continue the legacy of their mothers. Red sands for she, and green for he. . . . .Only then may you rest.”

The next thing she knew the day had come and the night seemed to end all too quickly. She sat up and gasped to find herself nude, covered in leaves and branches. She shook her head, collected her clothing and sat by the brook. Her fingers stretched across the ground where she pressed her hand into the earth, he had been standing there, he had been there. Tears choked her but she refused to cry.

A Queen never cried.

Monday, December 11, 2017

S2 Chapter 3 Dawn in the Underground. . . .part 2

Underground, nightfall.

Vince was the eldest of the Motley gang, born in scandal. Now he helped run the Underground. A girl's favorite about the tunnels.
Mik and Tom were the true warriors of the group, having come from nomadic families who specialized in warring and fighting as an art. The youngest member was Nik, younger brother to Mik. They hid out in the corner of the tunnels, around a particularly active hub of people, where red lights and bath houses were one in the same.

There was a knock and when it was opened the boys were met with their friend Joan and two other females in tow. Vince was at the door and he immediately took an interest in the blonde woman of high status. However Joan made it clear they had a mission in mind. Once inside she took them into confidence.

“Ok guys I need help. Dawn's missing and that Man has her. I need to find them.” She started, they would know who she meant.

“You mean that Spyder guy she's been hanging with?” Tom asked.

Nik took notice of the youngest of the group. A few years younger than he was maybe. The Princess Heir Apparent. Though while to his eyes she appeared younger than himself, she had been born more than twenty years ago. Longer than he had been.

Star bristled. “WHO!?”

Joan recoiled but held her ground and faced the Queen. “ She accepted a Spyder to stay here over a week ago and insisted no one tell you. They've disappeared ”

“That's what happened to her?” Her hands balled into fists, she stood nose to nose with the shorter woman.

The guys were waiting for a fight.

“Yes. These guys know this place, they can find her. Rosie can stay here with Nik.”

Star stared down at her. “Then lets go. I tire of waiting.”

Without any more formality, the guys agreed to Joan's idea. Nik and Rosie would stay in the hide out. If there was one gang who knew almost everything about the tunnels, it was the Motley boys. Vince took to the streets and asked the right questions. If anyone had seen Dawn, where did she go, tell Vince or risk your physical health. Star's heart was torn between Dawn and Rosie, she had no reason to trust this Joan woman, no reason to trust anyone. . .other than the fact that they were Dawn's people. She had trusted this woman, as far as Star could tell.

Star looked at Joan as they followed Vince through the tunnels. She remembered the Jetts family, so long ago. Their house crumpled around 1990 AC/DC, into ruin of every kind. What a fall it had been. It tickled the queen to see the last living member now helping rule the Underground. A different nobility.

It reminded her of the reason there was an Underground at all, she refused Dawn that which was rightfully hers. But as always she had her reasons.

Joan seemed to feel her thoughts. “You're staring at me your highness.”

“It is hard not to, considering how I knew your family.”

“My grandfather's family you mean.”

“You say that as if they are not your own.”

“They ceased to be when they sold me.”

“Fair enough. . .” Star whispered. She saw the woman's mouth twitch at the corner. “You wish to say something yourself.”

“Not for me but for Dawn.”

“She is your friend.”

She nodded. “And your daughter, heir to the throne.”

Joan stopped and turned to Star, staring into her eyes with a fierce glare.

“I am a blunt woman your highness and will not spare you. Give her what she was born to have. You married into the family, she was born into it. It is hers by right. Holy Wood has had Queens before.”

“Of course it has. The Throne does not discriminate against the heir apparent.”

“As the last living heir to the last born king of Holy Wood, Dawn should have it.”

“New blood does not always mean a new rule. Though Queens would often have more peaceful rules than Kings.”

“Except yours.”

“Yes,” she turned to stare directly at Joan. While she could appreciate the honesty, she detested the insolence. “Blood was freedom's stain, one I would gladly spill again. As you pointed out I married into the family, my power was less than a Queen born into it. Yet it was I who reduced the BOC's power ten fold when they crossed me.” She turned her nose up at the younger female. “You should be grateful, without me you would not be immortal and probably still a slave.”

That shut up the smaller woman.

After a moment of silence Star spoke again. “Do not ever question me. I've torn down castles to save my daughter, I would do it again. What I do is all for her and the continuation of our bloodline.”

Vince grinned at their wispy fighting. It wasn't long before someone nodded towards a small food front. An informant. They entered the shop and a man came out to weasel his way into their party.

“And what will it be today? Heart of cow? Fried mice? A woman on the side?”

Vince shoved him aside. “How about the back stairs.”

“No wait! You can't!” The man protested.

Tommy shoved him again. A bowl of rice sat on the counter between them. He stuck his fingers in it, hungry, and scooped rice into his mouth. It was drenched in salt and half cooked. He spit it out and then followed his comrades down the back stairs. Vince led the way, behind him was Joan, Star, then Mik and Tommy. They descended deeper below the tunnels, to the sex chambers where whores and their lovers hid.

Star began to grow sweaty in her thick black clothing, envying the Motley boys in their thin, tight leather pants and near non existent shirts. She shook her head and they came to the bottom of the narrow stairway. They came out into a hot, steam filled room deep under ground. There were sounds of moaning sex workers drifting through the air. Perfect it may seem above, not all was as homey as it appeared. It did not surprise Star, these were where criminals hid. There was suddenly a ruckus and the few people who were lounging in the room they entered suddenly left. Four men stood in front of a door across the way. A large door.

They each approached, mirrored by the three Motley Boys and Joan.

“Go,” Joan said without looking at Star, she pulled a dagger out of her belt and tossed it to the Queen. “She will be beyond that door. Use the shadow, get into that room.”

Star did as instructed and as the four vs four battle commenced. The Boys and Joan were expert warriors, they survived by fighting, it was almost all they knew. She wanted to see the outcome, but she had to keep creeping. With the men fighting she made it to the doors and opened them as little as she could.

There was Dawn in a chair, being strapped down by a handsome man. Star disliked him immediately. He had a small bottle in his hand. Dawn herself seemed to be intoxicated. She was giggling and caught in the throws of a high, her mother knew.

He walked around her saying things. Star gently pushed the door and slipped inside, she held the dagger at a ready angle. The shadows worked to her advanatage and she crept into the room. There was no one else except her daughter and the Spy.

“We have worked hard to return here, years spent recoving.” He whispered. “Hard to get a spy into your midst. I am but the first wave, soon we will return to the rest of them. With you by my side, we will return to the Mountains of the East and there we will march on your own city.”

Dawn laughed and didn't seem to hear him.

He grinned. “My informant put you under my spell long before I came to your sights. I was simply waiting for you. In my stone palace, we will join together in matrimony, body and blood. You will bear my sons and maybe become more useful to me.”

He grabbed her chin and licked her cheek.

Star watched and in the dark her eyes glowed a bright, honey gold. She stepped out of the shadows and came up behind the Spyder.

“You will become the Spyder's revenge.”

“I think not.”

There was a cool voice behind him as a cold blade came over his neck.

“You've told me much and I fear letting you do more to my child. I must thank you for telling me so much will so little, yet now you must die.”

Before he could stutter excuses, she cut his throat. He crumpled to her feet and she watched him bleed out. It had been anticlimactic for her, she had wanted to take him back, interrogate him, abuse him, torture him. But she would not chance Dawn's life in his hands and when she had Him in Her hands, she knew that a fight might let him escape. Escape was not an option, so she allowed him to speak as much as he would say, exposing his plan and the somewhat location of his people.

She doubted he would have said much anyway, they never did. Besides she would make a message of him, instead of mercy only death came for those who tried what he had. Torture was too merciful, choking on his own blood was befitting. Yet as she stared at the man with dark dark eyes, she felt that she had murdered one more person who had seen the world she hailed from. . . truly. It felt strange, but in her mind she had no choice.

She had been betrayed by her “people” in the past, these Spyders were no different. She went to Dawn but the woman was unconscious. Star cut her bonds, moved the traitor's body, and waited for Joan to win her battles. As the victors rushed in, Vince, Mik, Tom and Joan, Star hovered next to her child. Tom came in and picked her up, Mik and Joan scouted the room to secure their location. Vince came to Star, she stared at him with a smudge of blood along her cheek.

She looked at him, he looked at her. She grabbed his barely-there shirt and yanked him in close for a hot sweaty kiss. He happily obliged her. She pulled away and grimaced, he tasted like whiskey, but she got over it and kissed him again.


Dawn awoke in her rooms. The only one there was Joan. She was smiling with her arms crossed, a glorious dark silver cape draped across her shoulders. She grinned and leaned forward.

“Good morning. How you feel?”

“Like fucking shite.” The princess said. She blinked in her harshly half dark, half light room. “Why are we in Ao'o?”

“Because a witch cursed you at the behest of a Spyder.”

“Lyr. . . .”


“Well if we're here and he isn't, I take it he's dead.” Her friend nodded. Dawn studied Joan. “My mother gave you something didn't she?”

She laughed. “Well, after you went missing, I found your mother and took her to the Underground. Rosie followed so we-”

“She what?!”

“She kind of came with us. But it was ok, she stayed with the Motley boys, with Nik.”

“Please tell me my mother didn't engage Rosie to any of them!”

Joan couldn't help but belt out laughter. “I swear she did not! Rosie was just fine with Nik. Your mother was the one who saved you actually. She cut Lyr's throat as he stood over you. We collected Rosie afterwards and brought you here.”

“Sounds like her. So what's with your finery?”

“That's my second favorite part, your mother knighted me and all the Boys.”

“Knighted the Motley Boys??”

“I actually enjoy being a knight of Ao'o.”

Dawn rolled her eyes at her mother's antics. “So do you want to live here then?”

“No!” She spat out. “My home is with the Underground, our world we created. Besides, being a knight of Ao'o means being a knight of yours.”

The Princess was pleased and nodded in response. “Thank you Joan. I have no words enough to say what I want to say.”

“Thank you is just fine.”

They smiled at each other and small talked their way through the day. Rosie was asleep in her chambers, perfectly unharmed. Star too had gone into her chambers to sleep after knighting the Undergroundlings. She emerged from her room at dusk and wandered the outside waist high maze in the gardens. She and Richi spoke of what had transpired in the night.

They were speaking of Rosie.

“I had to leave her with that ruffian boy, Nik. She said he was kind enough, didn't try much on her. But he stunk and was was unsightly and was all too happy to return home.” She laughed softly. She then coughed once, she could still taste Vince's breath on her lips.

“I'm still upset you did nothing to alert me,” Richi grumbled as they turned a corner.

Star grinned. “If I had you would have fought me about it and there was no time.”

“Very well,” he said, relenting to her antics. “I can see no arguing will make you say sorry.”

They had been walking for a short amount of time but the maze was not that hard. They turned a corner again, approaching the center of it. “No, I'm afraid not dearest cousin. It had to be done in secrecy. Tere is a more pressing matter than my safety.”

He rolled his eyes. “And what could be more pressing than that I wonder?”

“The fact that the Spyder's returned and nearly took my daughter out from her own Underground. That cannot happen.”

“You said they are holed up to the east?”

“Eastern Mountains, the one said. They must have found a network of caves, its the only known shelter out that way.”

“It's the only know thing at all that way. After that, its just empty land and nothingness.”

“There might be more. No one has successfully trekked across the mountains in this era of recorded history. Whatever lay beyond them before the era of Darkness was lost to the darkness itself.” She wandered along silently and reached out to hold her cousin's hand. He wasn't an overly emotional man but he did allow her to lace her fingers through his. It brought them both comfort.

“We might be able to send men out to travel those hills if we wanted to search for the renegades.” He suggested. “We're still waiting for the return of our last spy.”

He hadn't been paying attention to what lay in front of them, but she had. She stopped and he halted to look at her, he had been observing the constellations as they walked and chatted. She stopped in her tracks as they came around a corner, her voice stalled and died. It took Richi a moment to follow her gaze and when he did he went into full alert, his hand left hers. There in the center of the maze was a dead man, a spy. Richi immediately called for guards and as they came rushed he walked about the courtyard in defense. Star went to him and crouched beside the dead one.

His ears, tongue and eyes were scattered around his head. He hadn't been killed here, there was not enough blood. He had been dumped here. It was one of her's she knew. There was no other reason such a message would be on her grounds, flies already buzzed around his damaged head. She knew the message, follow, spy and die.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

S2 Chapter 2 , Dawn in the Underground

The sewers of Holy Wood, 2026 AC/DC.......

The Underground was a city below Holy Wood. Thousands of years ago the tunnels were shelter from the Dark Storm-a storm that ended civilization of that time- before that they were sewers. They were abandoned and left to the homeless and unfortunate. But that all changed when the Sun Princess came, shedding light and order in the dark. She cleaned the miles worth of tunnels and brought supplies to make shelters. No grand estates but those who did not gain from the graces of the Star Queen, found sanctuary with the Sun Princess. She was denied the throne she wanted, so she made one for herself.

Orphans, criminals, people who could not otherwise find shelter or means of living in Holy Wood, came to Dawn. She deemed that here there was no need for crime, there was no money, everything was traded or bartered, there was enough tunnel spaces for everyone to have a home. Small time gangs were turned into hands for hire. If someone above ground wanted a man or woman who would do anything they went to the Underground. Criminals turned their crime skills into profit. But there were laws in this city, laws written by the immortal Princess, in her own hand.

Anyone who raped was sentenced to die.
Anyone who murdered a human other than a contracted target, while also was not under contract was sentenced to die.
Anyone who broke these laws was sentenced to death or exile deemed upon a trial.
Anyone who stole from the tunnels the Underground were sentenced to work off their debt if found guilty.
A council hearing will be permitted to those who ask for it depending on their level of supposed crime and based on a majority vote, the accused's fate would be otherwise decided.

If these laws were broken you were cast from the Underground or sentenced to die after a hearing of the council and accused. Of course, now that men and women no longer needed to fight for resources such as shelter and food, or money, they all obeyed these simple laws. The High Council was made of people picked by the Princess herself, those who had helped form these tunnels, and acted as judge and jury for those who broke the laws. Not many did in any case.

Above ground, farmers across the lands were plentiful and trade often overflowed. If farmers needed to get rid of stock quickly that they could not sell otherwise, they came to the Underground to contribute or trade. This route was enough to provide for nearly everyone. Adults traded and fended for themselves, children were grouped in large spaces and looked after by members appointed by Dawn and her Council. Life seemed serene and simple and while it prospered it was not the vast expanse of the above ground. Still it was a life that suited the people.

Criminals turned into expert spies, assassins and hands for hire. As Dawn watched the high members of her society mingle in her version of a throne room she watched over the place. Her own palace had no name, it was simply a parthenon type place that was open to public hearings and other meetings. When she spent time there it became a hub of activity and she was the center of it. People came forward to make grand speeches about their abilities and achievements, if they had a group of people they spoke of the conquests of the group.

Many sat at long tables that ran the length of the room. Enough tables filled up the width of the one room space, food was piled high on either side of the room. Drink was plentiful. She was staring off across the room, all this going through her head. How this throne will never truly satisfy her as it would to sit in the throne of her father. As a queen.

“You should bring the Wizard here,” a girl who sat next to her at the table said. A woman she considered a friend, who over saw the place during Dawn's absences. “Then you could marry him on our grounds and she won't have a say in it. Not like you need to marry someone to become queen, you're already of royal blood.”

“While you're right about that I at least want her to acknowledge and respect my marriage. Her courts, the BOC courts. I could marry him here but the marriage won't apply to above ground Courts.”

“I tell you all the time, don't care about them.” She was short and liked to wear tall heels boots of bright colors. She had dark eyes and black hair she kept short.

Dawn leaned back and sighed heavily. “I know. It's within legal rights here. And although my mother is a bat shit crazy loon, I want her respect and so I must give it.”

The other rolled her eyes. “If you must.” She strummed her cherry red guitar and the little speaker box attached to it hummed what she strummed.

Dawn grinned, she liked Joan of Jetts. She had learned from her mother that Jetts was once a prominent family name Above ground. But a distant grandfather figure died in a war and left the family to a son with a sick wife and few children. The man turned to gambling after losing father, wife and unborn child. As the family struggled with debt, their blood carried on but their wealth dwindled. Eventually, Joan was born and to pay for the house itself they sold the child into slavery. After which the house and everyone in it caught fire and crumbled to ash.

Joan however did not let chains take advantage of her. She escaped bondage and met Dawn in the tunnels. Since then, Joan had competed in Star's water of life joust festival and won the right to drink everlasting water. That was sometime ago. Dawn was good friends with the woman, and they often spoke about each others lives. Currently the issue of talk had been Dawn and her one true love, the Dark Wizard. A quiet girl with eye down cast filled her goblet with wine and moved on. Joan thought for sure she saw the girl reach inside her robe and replace the wine horn she had had.

She shook her head, took it for the wine and carried on with their evening. They carried on talking and night came and went, day came and went. Days were never as active as nights but that was the beauty of it, the Underground. Joan knew how much it meant to Dawn, she also knew that her friend left a child behind in castle Ao'o. While it must have pained her to separate from Princess Rosie, Dawn's dedication to the people, to those she loved, was something Joan had not known until they met.

That next night the most unexpected of guests arrived. A Spyder came into their midst and Joan's test of loyalty began. He strode in with a red mantle, bright silver thread shirt and black trousers fit for travel tucked into his dirty boots. His only weapon was a sword at his hip, he bore no shield or helm. He had dark hair with thick grey streaks running through it, though he did not appear that old to have grey hair. His eyes were a dark maroon, the color of blood in low light. He had a goatee that matched his hair and his skin was a tantalizing tanned shade. If it weren't for the large Silver Spyder on his cape even Joan would have thought him handsome. The Spyders had not been seen in years, not since being driven away by Star and Dawn herself.

Citizens of the Underground, a group called the Motley Ones, loyal to Dawn in particular all stood in their leather clad and big hair presence. They wore animal print and wore tall boots. She waved them down and her wave silenced the sudden roar of protest at his presence.

When he spoke it was with hint of an accent. “My Underground Queen, I thought this place a sanctuary for undesirables? Is it not?”

Joan stood up as Dawn did as she addressed the stranger. She looked to her taller friend and was shocked to find her eyes softened towards the man.
“It is. Who are you?”

“My name is Lyr of Spyder Clan, and I came to seek shelter for the night and tomorrow's day. May hapes an audience with you as well.”

Many burst out laughing, intending to insult this unwelcome guest. Joan again turned to her friend.

She began to whisper. “I don't think we should-”

Dawn waved her quiet. She had never done so before. That was the moment Joan knew a curse was afoot. She had had masters in her time of slavery, who practiced black magic and she knew a curse when she saw one. She grew quiet.

“We carry our audience here. What you offer you must say before those present as well. But I ask you, you dare come before us? A Spyder, my mother's enemies.”

“I did not think this was your mother's kingdom your highness.” He smiled at her and his eyes never left hers. “I come here in passing only, on my way up the coast. As no spy or assassin, this I swear out of respect for shelter.”

His words seemed to have profound affect on the Princess, her friend could see it. Others in attendance let their leader do as she wished, unaware of treachery afoot.

“No, this is not my mother's kingdom. You have shelter but if one word of complaint reaches me you will face my mother's wrath.”

Her threats did not seem sincere to Joan. She even invited the man to sit next to her for the evening. The Jetts woman went silent and became an observer. She watched the two but could not get close enough to hear them. Though she saw Dawn laugh at an unfamiliar pitch, giggle like a madwoman at whatever he was saying. Nodding and giggling, nodding some more.

Lyr's presence lasted for a week. Dawn invited him to stay with her after their first encounter and he walked the tunnels with her the entire time. Joan tried to follow but Dawn would send her away. Something was terribly amiss, the pixie woman knew. They become inseparable, much to the second in command's frustration, she could almost smell the magic in the air. After all they had just spoken of about the wizard, she knew for certain but could not say it. To expose the man now may endanger her friend. No, she had to leave, when the end of the week came and the Man had not left and the Wizard had seemingly been forgotten, she knew she had to leave.

She had never been to Ao'o, but as she slipped into her black leather cat suit and six inch heel boots, she was already thinking of ways to enter the castle and what obstacles she would encounter. She stopped by Dawn's hidden room behind the parthenon palace and looked in through a crack between doors. She saw them lounging about on the low set couches Dawn had brought here, she was talking to him and he was all too relaxed.

Joan crept away and had only one place in mind, the prize of all thieves and spies. To Ao'o castle she went, to see the Star Queen.


Star gazed at the man across from her, threatening her. Office Tamascus, the one who had arrested her multiple times and sided with the BOC in her last trial. He had come, late in the evening, to speak with her and she had allowed it. As inappropriate as it was. Now they stood on the terrace, guards within shouting distance, torches lit. Her honey colored eyes caught the light in an eerie way that she didn't notice. It unnerved the Officer but he went ahead and voiced his questions.

“Have you been to the Sabbath lands of late? Why do you reject Dawn's ability to sit on the throne? How old are you exactly?”

“What do you hope to gain from these questions? Such odd things to ask.”

He frowned. “Simple ones to answer I would think. Why do you refuse to answer them?”

“I do not need to. I am Queen and I have broken no laws. You however come knocking on my door at all hours of the night and threaten me with useless questions.”

“The BOC has information about you. Your birth place.”

“I was born in the Wildlands. Everyone knows that.”

“Who abandoned you? If you were adopted-”

“Enough!” She shouted. “How dare you speak of such matters to the Queen. It is no secret how I came to be a Blackmoore, but before them I was simply born and existed. That is none of anyone's business.”

“We will provide what is needed in Court eventually your highness.” He jabbed at her title.

“No secret.” She replied. “If you dare make accusations again you best have the power to provide evidence.”

“Evidence, you'll have it soon enough. Evidence of that demon boy you raised and those girls you fuck. Of where you really come from.”

The Queen had tolerated his behavior until then and wanted him gone before he gave her a headache.

“Remember who pays your checks.”

“I wouldn't be so sure its you.” He said and grinned and bowed. “Good night, your highness.”
He replaced his cap and strode back through the throne room to see himself out.

No sooner was he gone than Richie came out from behind a hedge. He came up to her and they watched the officer walk away. He scowled.

“Don't ever ask me to hide behind a bush ever again.”

“I wanted him to speak fully.” She looked at her cousin. “But I won't.” They began to walk to another pathway, one that formed into stairs and led into the second level from the outside. “I want him followed.”

Richie nodded and then turned and bent over the railing. He snapped his fingers twice to get the attention of a guard down below. The guard looked up. Richie nodded and the man walked off, one with inside knowledge of spies to employ for her majesty.

The two went inside and Richie went to his chambers. Star had to stop by Rosie's to check on her in the night. As she went along she passed an open balcony window and heard the barest of rustle in the curtains. She stopped, keen at hearing those subtle moves of one gifted in sneaking. She turned her head and watched the ground for shadows, they never lied, her eyes roved the gossamer curtains waving in a breeze.

She walked to them.


And reached out to move them. . .

There was nothing in the moonlight. She pulled away and faced Rosie's rooms once more, only to find a pixie dressed in black standing before her. The woman was unarmed, maybe she needed no weapons to kill her. But if she wanted to she would have already, Star knew that much.

“What do you want?” She asked the stranger.

“My name is Joan, I come from the extinct house of Jetts. I work for you daughter, Princess Dawn. She needs you. I need your help.”

“That was blunt. How can I believe you?” Star questioned.

“I have no proof. Unless you wish to wait until she never returns to see if I lie or not.”

“You're from the Underground?”

The woman nodded.

“You drank the water. Yes I remember you now.” She did remember, the first woman to win in a joust. “What is it she needs me for?”

“Not for, but from who.” She didn't want to expose too much too quickly. “A man has. . .enchanted her and I believe he will harm her. I need a woman Dawn knows, I need you.”

Star thought it over. “Then you must stay here and I will find Dawn.”

“You would just leave me here??”

“So the guards can watch You as well. Now do as I say.”

Joan wanted to go but wanted Star's trust and waited for the guards. They were alerted of who she was and were meant to stand post outside Rosie's chambers. If the queen was anything like how Dawn described her, the Jetts woman knew that Star wouldn't leave the castle if she didn't obey her orders. Then Dawn would fall into further trouble. It wasn't long at all when Joan went to the balcony she came in at and looked out to see the Queen riding out into the night. Dressed in black, hair hidden under a cloak hood. There was a creak from behind her and Joan turned around she saw the Earth Princess standing in the hallway.

The guards assigned to the princess were slouched against the walls in their armor. Joan looked at them from a distance.

“What did you do to them?” She asked.

“Nana's herb supply. I made it into potion and they accepted. I told them it was ale, just not how strong.” The girl looked at her, a smile on her face that said she wasn't afraid of this pixie woman but intrigued and shy.

“Oh!” Joan grinned at her friend's daughter, another immortal. She was small, but not mousy. She had curly brown hair worn long and she had her mother's eyes. “Want to go on an adventure?”


Star had just entered the lair known as the Underground. It was no secret when Dawn had renovated them to be livable. Star had offered to help pay, Dawn didn't take the money. She did it all on her own and as the Queen gazed upon her daughter's creation with pride she snuck through the darkened tunnels. She ducked her head when people passed and stayed out of the way. It wasn't difficult to find the main parthenon, but there was no sign of Dawn.

She scowled and made her way into the back, to what appeared to be Dawn's private chambers. It looked like she lived there, but it lacked Her. Star silently made way through the people gathered in the main hall, eating, conversing. Picking up on parts of conversation she heard that Dawn had been gone mere hours. That was enough to make her seem very lost.

Just as she turned a corner to leave the Parthenon she heard a ruckus and ducked behind a corner. Only large sewer cats chasing each other and yowling. Star breathed a sigh of relief and leaned into the shadow.

“HEY!” A loud whisper came from behind her.

Star jumped! Her heart started pounding and her breath came sharp and quick. But when she turned it was only the Jetts woman standing there, with Rosie in tow.

“Hi nana!” Rosie whispered.

Star's eyes grew wide and she glared at Joan for an explanation.

“Well she heard us talking and drugged her guards and now here we are!”

It sounded like something Star's offspring would do. The queen knew that to argue was pointless, there was nothing to be done about it at the moment.

“Why are we whispering?” Rosie asked.

“SHUSH!” Star commanded. “We mustn't let anyone know who we are. Alright?”

Rosie nodded.

“Where can we tuck her?” Star asked Joan.

“Her mother's rooms.”

“We can't just leave her there unprotected. Now that you're here you may as well assist me.”

Joan thought for a moment. One group of trustworthy men came to mind. One with a member around this girl's age who would be a great guardian.

“I have the perfect place for her.”

Sunday, June 18, 2017

SEASON 2. Chapter 1, Five years gone. . . .

Castle Ao'o, sunset. . . .2026 AC/DC

Brian leaned across the drinking gals and men, and kissed Star's hand as she reached out to him. She meant to shove him for a jest he made, but he kissed her hand instead. In the past five years, the two had become good friends. The Geordimen leader became a member of Holy Wood Courts and was faring well among them, backed by the Royals in command. The Power Band, which he received as a reward for aiding them in the Battle, had toured-without the Queen- on and off for the last few years and had recently taken a pause. The Younge Boys and their two guards returned to the Great Southern Island, Star already missed her Angus.... Brian was about to return to his Hills, back to his people.

When He leaned away, Star's smile began to fade. While he was a good man, a good kisser, how he took control of the Power Band is what made her heart sink.....these five years passed were not enough to stem the ache in her heart. Dawn laughed particularly loudly at a joke someone made or from the weed, Star didn't know. She broke out of her revelry to remember her fallen lover.

It disturbed her. How it happened, too fast and without a parting word. As if the Gods mocked her, his body seemed to get up and run away. . . . she hadn't seen him, nor any word on his body, since that day.

The Battle of Fields.

No Spyder prisoners captured that day remained alive now, all put to the death under Dawn's insistence. When none were willing to share any information on their escaped comrades, the Princess deemed them useless and her mother let her do as she wished with them. Star had too much else on her mind. That, and if what Kilmister said was true....she didn't want to be near the Spyders any longer, especially in death.

With the sunrise tomorrow, both Star and Brian, leaders of separate kingdoms, would travel away to the northeast. . . . .


Ao'o, sunrise......

Richi was holding the reigns to Star's grey mare. She was saddled and yawning into her palm. He grinned and shook his head. As she had many times, she didn't give a detailed explanation as to why she felt the need to leave. To visit the Sabbath Lands, her mystic friend Geez lived there, his massive fields of Herb supplied the entire span of kingdoms.

Yet he suspected her visit was about more than her herbal supply. She had changed since the Battle of Fields, Richi noticed, but he said nothing as he saw her off into the day, off to travel to the Sabbath Lands without guards. Under cover of a dark cloak and no royal flags or colors. He couldn't stop her, she would go if she truly desired to. Meanwhile, he was to stay and rule in her stead, as always.
As she blew him a kiss and departed, Brian tipping his hat in respect to the Lord as he passed, Richi shook his head again and said his good bye.

He turned back to the castle and walked up the steps, side glancing at the limo parked in the extended stables. Why she didn't drive the way with two guards made him frustrated, she claimed that the gas supply was short, and deemed the vehicle to be used for short distant travel. He went on, thinking about how best to placate his niece, Dawn. Every time Star left the castle, she left Richi in charge, never hr daughter. Besides the Wizard, it was the worst of their arguments. Due to a witch's tongue, Star refused to let her Princess rule as was her birthright.

The Queen believed in the tale, that only a bastard king may follow her. If a girl child sat after her, only death would she rule. He went inside and asked to see his niece, but was told she had just departed herself through the kitchens. She did this often, slipping away into the kingdom to avoid looking at the throne she so wanted. This left her own child Rosie, alone in her rooms as she was want to do. Dawn had an Underground society to run and act as judge and sheriff. Richi sighed at his dysfunctional family and made way to speak to the Managers, the collection of stewards and nobles who helped run Holy Wood.

They waited in the throne room to inform him on political matters their Queen sometimes overlooked; successions in families, population census, movements in other kingdoms and the BOC city state. Thus his day began as temporary overseer until his cousin's return. He had little time to worry about Dawn's feelings and where she went, he knew she needed no guard to save her.


Sabbath Lands, the herb fields of Geez. Nightfall, a four days later...

The journey was not as long as she expected and the part between her and Brian came swiftly. She said her good bye, fared him well, and he left with gold and seeds to feed his people. She went on further to the east, to the land that lay before the Mountains of the Unknown, into which the Spyders had fled during their last war. Ever since which, the account of Highwaymen had reclined, it made her wonder. She crested a hill and was met with a slight overcast sky, the mist and clouds hovered in this valley often, casting it in a cool shadow.

In this part of the lands, was where her mage friend Geez dwelled, and she gazed upon his harvest of the summer. He had apprentices and workers helping him pull in the bundles of buds on their thick stems. He was instructing them when she rode up, and when she dismounted he turned and smiled in greeting.

“Ah your highness!” He said. “You made it safely I see!”

She embraced him, “Aye I did. Not a highwayman in sight this time. Though what IS in sight is your glorious harvest.”

They watched the workers mill about the fields. “Yes, soon to make way across the Kingdoms. Demand has increased, and this is a good crop. Here,” he stood next to a wagon being loaded and plucked a small, but heavily budded branch, of herb and nodded towards the holding barn where everything was to be stored for the trimming and distribution. “Come this way, we can smoke and talk of things.” The tone of his voice suddenly lowered.

Once in the barn he shut the door and ordered everyone to leave so they may converse in private. But one man in the loft, stacking stalks, did not move. Geez did not seem fazed.

They sat in two wooden chairs and he set the herb he brought with them under magnifying glass, lit by a fire. The heat concentrated on the plant and began to dry it quickly. While they waited he turned to Her and clasped his hands in his lap.

“Now that we have the place to ourselves, let us speak the truth of your visit. Why don't You join us up there?” He called to the man above.

Star heard the flick of a lighter and could smell burning cigarette. She watched the man descend and come to their gathering. It was Kilmister. His silver eyes bore into her behind the smoke of his cig and he nodded respectfully as he sat. Geez poked the drying herb and found it not dry enough.

“Queen, I believe you know this man. I believe you came here for him.”

She nodded. “I did. No offense to visiting you of course.”

“I understand,” the Mage said.

The two looked at each other, the two off-worlders.

“SO,” Star spoke first. “How goes progress? You said you wished me to come to the Sabbath lands.”

He nodded. “You shouldn't go back ya know.”

“But you build the Bridge in any case.”

“My freedom was for the bridge, I build it, and you decide who goes through. But it is unwise to go yaself.”


“You are a wanted thing.”

She pondered his words in silence.

Geez touched the herb again and found it to his liking. He began crumbling it between his fingers and onto a small piece of paper. He rolled it quickly and Kilmister handed him his ornate lighter.

“Be careful your highness,” the mage said suddenly. “When this man came to me for assistance I took him in and when he said you demanded the bridge be rebuilt, I was shocked. But it sounded like something you would want.”

“You've been helping him?” She asked.

“He could not do it without a bit of alchemy, and a touch of Sabbath magic.”

“True that bit.” Kilmister said, and drew on his cig. “It was destroyed with magic, and a bridge of this power IS magic. On both Mars And Earth, the shuttle technology, hundreds of years old, was lost. All scripture was burned by the leaders of the Divide. ” The Divide being the separation of Mars from Earth. “Not many other ways to get there and back besides that.”

“Then how did you get here?”

“The same reason you got me rebuild the bridge, those who sent me had one last shuttle, no one except me could bring it back to life. It was lost in my landing.”

Star was silent and then turned her look to Geez. “I trust you enough, with this do not betray me.”

“Fear not,” he assured her as he inhaled the burning herb. He gave her the joint. “I give you this in confidence.”

She took it and inhaled. “A pact of silence.”

Geez nodded.

“Is the Bridge near here?” She asked. “Stories always vary.”

“What do you think brought him this way?” The Mage asked with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

Suddenly her honey eyes darted to the Kilmister, staring at him intently. “Was it tempting for you? With the Spyder Army just miles from here, even running through here.”

He blew smoke between them. “No. If I was ever tempted to rejoin them, you would be dead.”

She silenced and her jaw clenched. She drew on the joint and let the smoke go. . . . .


On the Road to the Sabbath Lands, earlier that same day. . . .

Dawn HAD gone to the Underground. She had stayed for a while, but her thoughts went to her mother. She had been very vague on her reason to visit the Sabbath Lands, usually she proclaimed dramatically why she was going somewhere, but when Brian said he was leaving back to the Geordiemen Hills, her mother promptly stood up and announced she would travel with him.

“The royal procession must prepare,” Richi began.

But Star interjected rudely. “No no, none of that now. Just myself, alone thank you.”

That made Richi suspect her, Dawn saw it. “No guard? No colors? No procession?”

“You act like I haven't before! Silly man,” she patronized him. “I'm just visiting Geez and I'll return within the week.”

Dawn shook her head at the memory. That made her leave her underground city, in the tunnels that used to be sewers, before she came and reformed them. Cleaned them, housed the homeless and street kids, and gave shelter to “gangs” of trouble makers. Built her own web of networks and spies.

 She left after just arriving, and silently traveled behind her mother and the Jasper.

What surprised the Princess most was that, while Star snuggled close to him at night by the fire, or kissed his cheek, or embraced him like a lover, they did not intertwine on the journey. This seemed odd behavior for her normally nymphomaniac mother. It made the princess realize that with this new behavior, her mother had not been arrested for fornicating with underage girls in the last five years. Odd.

She suspected it had to with Bon's death, that vile man. He tormented her mother even in death. Yes, she had replaced him in the Power Band with Brian, and part of her had hoped he would ease her pain. . .but apparently, he hadn't entirely. Still her mother functioned better than she did when the war broke out. Richi had to break her out of a drinking binge over the man's body. Pycho she was.

When they parted ways, Dawn had to watch from afar to not alert her mother of her following. She knew these lands even better than her. Trailing close until Star went into Sabbath Lands, and into the fields of Geez. There, Dawn could not follow so closely. Under cover of the night that fell, she quietly scaled a thick tree and hid in the boughs. She watched the barn into she had seen Star enter. The Princess would wait, though it would kill her to wait she would. The lanterns were lit outside the doors and the workers in the fields all dispersed.

It was some time before the Mother left, two men leaving with her. One Dawn recognized as Geez, the Mage who grew these crops. The other, she did not recognize. She was smart enough to know that whatever they had spoken of had to do with Him, or else He wouldn't have been there. Star would not let some stranger man into a private meeting with the Mage so easily. Yes, that was Dawn's target. She saw her mother saddle and then settled into her tree for the night.

Let her mother travel ahead, possibly stay at the Mob Stone Castle where she fancied a young budding Prince of Darkness. No doubt she thought Dawn in the Underground. She would skirt her mother while she holed up in Mob Stone and ride for the Underground throne she made for herself. That Loon was up to something and Dawn would find out.

As if trying to marry off Rosie to that Devil Angus after the war, wasn't bad enough! To solidify the ties between Power Band and Silver Knights, she had said, the Nerve! The Sun Princess would not allow it and that is what made her return to the Underground in the first place.This had happened often. Star had attempted several times to arrange a marriage between Rosie and Angus, Dawn saw it now as a cover story, to distract her from the truth. But she knew now the truth.....She would have to find out who the Stranger Man really was what her Mother wanted with him.